> Why shouldn't I be able to construct a document composed of paragraphs,
> each of which is nested in an A, so that when I click anywhere in
> the document, I get something relevant to that paragraph? That is,
> A should be allowed something like the full list for html-0:
The other way of doing this is to put the <A> inside the <P>, as in
<P><A SRC="something">whatever you want</A></P>
You might find that there's a difference in what happens when you
click on the space between paragraphs, though.
-- Liam Quin, Manager of Contracting, SoftQuad Inc +1 416 239 4801 lee@sq.com HexSweeper NeWS game;OPEN LOOK+XView+mf-fonts FAQs;lq-text unix text retrieval SoftQuad HoTMetaL: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:Web/html/hotmetal, and also doc.ic.ac.uk: packages/WWW/ncsa/..., gatekeeper.dec.com:net/infosys/Mosaic/contrib/SoftQuad/