But we solved those problems, and we have had hundreds of accesses of
this service.
But we have had _not one_ message complaining about "why can't I
put H5 inside a P?" or any other problems with the DTD.
So I conclude that HTML 2.0 satisfies the needs of many users.
This makes me feel _very_ conservative about changing it. :-)
p.s. names removed to protect the innocent
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 1994 12:52:44 -0500
Message-Id: <199409091752.MAA25002@xerxes.cs.uiowa.edu>
To: connolly@hal.com, markg@hal.com
Subject: HaLsoft HTML Validation Service
I'd just like to say that you've done a great job with the HTML
Validation Service. I've found it extremely useful.
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