> I just noticed that LI doesn't have any attributes.
> One of the frequently asked questions on netnews is where to get the little
> coloured spheres people use at list bullets... and put in the attributes
> to LI:
> icon %URL; #IMPLIED -- image for use in place of bullet --
> label CDATA #IMPLIED -- when you can't show the icon image --
> >
> This seems to be widely used & currently supported, were the attributes left
> off by mistake?
> I have added them to the DTD we're using for HoTMetaL for the time being,
> with a comment about who put them there.
> Lee
> --
> Liam Quin, Manager of Contracting, SoftQuad Inc +1 416 239 4801 lee@sq.com
> HexSweeper NeWS game;OPEN LOOK+XView+mf-fonts FAQs;lq-text unix text retrieval
> SoftQuad HoTMetaL: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:Web/html/hotmetal, and also doc.ic.ac.uk:
> packages/WWW/ncsa/..., gatekeeper.dec.com:net/infosys/Mosaic/contrib/SoftQuad/