Re: LI attributes

Peter Flynn (
Wed, 21 Sep 94 05:06:18 EDT

> > icon %URL; #IMPLIED -- image for use in place of bullet --
> > label CDATA #IMPLIED -- when you can't show the icon image --
> >>
> >
> >This seems to be widely used & currently supported, were the attributes left
> >off by mistake?
> Could you give some details/evidence about this support? Are you
> sure folks aren't doing something like:
> <dl>
> <dt><img src="dot.gif">
> <dd>item
> ...
> </dl>

I guess so: using dt/dd you'd get

xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx


xxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx

instead of having the bullet inlined...

While we're at it, did we ever get round to defining a HTML3 attrib for LI


so that OL's can start numbering lists at a specific value instead of 1 ?
I can't find a reference to it anywhere
