Updated DTD to address outstanding issues

Daniel W. Connolly (connolly@hal.com)
Fri, 23 Sep 94 18:58:45 EDT

<title>HTML 2.0 Public Text</title>
<base href="http://www.hal.com/%7Econnolly/html-spec/html-pubtext.html">


<h1>Public Text of the HTML 2.0 Specification</h1>

Daniel W. Connolly<br>
$Id: html-pubtext.html,v 1.1 1994/09/23 22:49:26 connolly Exp $

<p> The HTML 2.0 specification includes both machine-readable public
text -- SGML "code" if you will -- and human-readable text.
The public text includes the DTD, an SGML declaration, and a version
of the ISO Added Latin 1 entity set.

<h2> Changes in this Revision </h2>


<li> The DTD is no longer spread across three files. The Level 0 and Level 1
files contain just feature test entities now. The <tt>html.dtd</tt>
contains all the elements.

<li> The META tag was promoted from Proposed to standard. The Proposed
feature test entity has been eliminated. (The nbsp and shy entities
went away with it: they should come back in 2.1)

<li> The HTML.Prescriptive feature test entity is now called HTML.Recommended.
It switches the content of BODY and A between the "free form" style
generally found on the net and the more structured, recommended form.

<li> The HTML.Obsolete feature test entity is now called HTML.Deprecated.
It switches <tt>XMP</tt>, <tt>LISTING</tt>, and <tt>PLAINTEXT</tt>.

<li> The standard A content model now includes <tt>H1</tt>-<tt>H6</tt>
and <tt>%text</tt> only -- <tt>%block</tt> has been removed.

<li> The public text owner is now <tt>-//IETF//</tt>. If and when the
IETF becomes a registerd ISO public text owner, the <tt>-//</tt>
should be changed to <tt>+//</tt>.

<li> The reference to the ISO latin 1 entity set now references the
HTML version of this entity set, and not the public version
from the SGML standard.


<h2>The Public Text</h2>


<DD>The text of the SGML
<li><A HREF="html.dtd">The full DTD</A>
<li><A HREF="html-0.dtd">Level 0 features</A>
<li><A HREF="html-1.dtd">Level 1 features</A>
NAME="z20" HREF="html.decl">The HTML SMGL Declaration</A>
The text of the SGML Declaration
for HTML
<dt><a href="ISOlat1.sgml">ISO Added Latin 1</a>
<dd>The HTML version of the ISOlat1 entity set

<h2> Element References </h2>

<p> These element references are an aid to reading and understanding
the DTD.


HREF="L2index.html">Element Reference (Level 2)</A>
<DD> Exhaustive alphabetical
listing of elements with syntax descriptions

HREF="L2Pindex.html">Element Reference (Level 2 Recommended)</A>

<DD> This listing eliminates deprecated
idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new

HREF="L1index.html">Element Reference (Level 1)</A>
<DD> Alphabetical
listing of level 1 (no forms) elements with syntax descriptions

HREF="L1Pindex.html">Element Reference (Level 1 Recommended)</A>

<DD> This listing eliminates deprecated
idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new
documents without forms.

HREF="L0index.html">Element Reference (Level 0)</A>
<DD> Alphabetical
listing of level 0 (minimally conforming) elements with syntax descriptions

HREF="L0Pindex.html">Element Reference (Level 0 Recommended)</A>

<DD> This listing eliminates deprecated
idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new
documents aimed at minimally conforming implementations.


<p> For more information about the HTML specification, see <a
href="index.html">the HTML 2.0 review materials</a>.