Re: Document available (Error in doc found)

Roy T. Fielding (fielding@avron.ICS.UCI.EDU)
Fri, 14 Oct 1994 12:09:00 -0700

Earl Hood writes:

> If the document contains:
> <META EXPIRES HTTP-EQUIV="Expires">Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT</expires>
> ----------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Keywords" CONTENT="Fred, Barney">
> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Reply-to" content=" (Roy Fielding)">
> Shouldn't it be:
> <META EXPIRES HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT">

Actually, it should either be

<expires HTTP-EQUIV="Expires">Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT</expires>


<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT">

The former example was intended to demonstrate how an extended element
like EXPIRES (I think it was one of the Proposed at one time) could also
have an HTTP-EQUIV attribute. However, I think that is now passe' and
the latter example should be used for the spec (i.e. delete the EXPIRES word).

......Roy Fielding ICS Grad Student, University of California, Irvine USA