html-wg-94q4 by subject
Starting: Sun 02 Oct 1994 - 16:11:20 MST
Ending: Thu 29 Dec 1994 - 17:25:11 MST
Messages: 588
- "Browser Spec" [was: Input areas in <select> & <option> ]
- #PC Definition
- #PCDATA definition??
- (no subject)
- subject...
- 22 Nov document available
- <br> in <blockquote>
- <PLAINTEXT> clarification [Was: DTD Level 2 nit ]
- <pre>
- [ &cx; in HTML+ ?]
- []'s message
- A truly multilingual WWW
- Abstract
- Abstract -- final pass
- Abstract and status of Internet draft for HTML 2.0?
- Actual treatment of End-of-Line in different browsers
- Anchored rendering of TABLE head/foot
- Another mirror site for HTML 2 stuff (just in case)
- Archive out of date?
- ASCII text version available
- Assumption: At the conference, you will be seeing the ASCII version
- Availability of Internet Draft for PC users
- Better parser == problems
- Bibliographic Rerence to HTML Proposed Standard?
- Braille from html2icadd xform service
- brief notes on SGML Open entity management catalog for HTML spec
- Bytes and Characters [Was: HTML 2.0 comments (Second of two) ]
- Can't find <open-quote>, <close-quote> characters in spec
- CENTER element [Was: Netscape & New HTML]
- CHaracter representation negotiation
- Character set designations [Was: HTML 2.0 comments (First of two) ]
- Charset parameter
- Charset parameter [Was: Tentative Agenda for IETF meeting ]
- Collected HTML-WG documents available
- Comment delimiters
- comments in HTML DTD
- comments on 11/16 version ,section 2
- Comments on HTML 2.0 Spec
- Comments on HTML Spec - 2.0
- comments on the DTD in Nov 16 draft
- comments on the Nov 22 draft spec
- COMPACT attribute for OL and UL?
- CORRECTIONS and suggestions for November 16 draft
- CRLF line breaks, charset
- Deploying new versions [Was: Versioning HTML at the server]
- DL content model
- DL content model: (DT|DD)+?
- Document available (Error in doc found)
- Document available in HTML format, PostScript to come
- Draft HTML 3.0 DTD
- DTD Level 2 nit
- DTD revision (added stylized comments)
- easier to read on-line
- Editing comments
- Editorial comments for latest 2.0 spec
- Editorial comments on HTML 2.0 spec
- Editorial comments on HTML 2.0 spec dated 14 Oct 94
- Empty lists?
- Entities
- Errors in new HTML 2.0 spec related to FORMs
- Flooding the mailing list
- Followup on I18N comments
- Foot note for BRAILLE in table cells
- FORM content in DTD
- FORM content in DTD (Again)
- Format Negociation in Practice [Was: Versioning HTML at the server]
- Forwarded from Dr. James Mason re DSSSL
- Fwd: Reference to ISO 8879:1986
- grave vs acute in 11/16/94 rfc para 3.17.3
- HDL Proposal
- Help getting back on www-html, please?
- Help me for HTML editors
- How prescriptive can/should we be? [Was: DL content model ]
- How to do conformance testing?
- how to get added
- HTML 2.0 comments (First of two)
- HTML 2.0 comments (Second of two)
- HTML 2.0 IETF Draft comments
- HTML 2.0 October 14 release
- HTML 2.0 Spec questions
- HTML 2.0 specs needed
- HTML browser vendors
- HTML Check Toolkit: validate documents at your site
- HTML Display - Text Formatting, Background, and Graphics
- HTML doc tomorrow morning
- HTML now officially IETF WG
- HTML specifications.
- HTML validation
- HTML version of Internet Draft available
- HTML versions of the HDL proposal
- HTML WG mailing list archive
- HTML-WG Discussions
- html2icadd xform service
- HTML3 structure charts
- HTML3 tables
- HTMLdoc (fwd)
- HTTP-EQUIV, NAME, attributes of META _not_ CDATA
- HTTP: T-T-T-Talking about MIME Generation
- HyperText Markup Language Specification
- hyphens
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-fileupload-00.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-fileupload-01.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-spec-00.txt
- i18n and the WWW
- ICADD additions to HTML DTD
- ICADD support in HTML 2.0 - not urgent, not ready to go
- ICADD/SDA attrs are comming
- IETF Projects
- img align=left|right in HTML 3.0
- IMG is Level 0, ALT _always_ #IMPLIED
- info on HTML working groups
- Information on HTML DTD
- Input areas in <select> & <option>
- Input areas in <select> & <option>)
- INT Type for Input in HTML Spec
- Interent-Draft CUTOFF Date (fwd)
- Internet Draft
- Internet draft for 'file upload' feature proposal
- join mailing list
- Joint SGML Open/WWW WG on style sheets -- DSSSL Lite
- list scope
- Listserv Header Problems
- Listserve Snafu
- location of Dec 2 draft?
- Looking
- Looking toward the IETF meeting
- Looking toward the IETF meeting)
- meeting
- Meeting reminder
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
- META example out of sync with DTD & narrative
- Minutes from Chicago HTML Meeting
- Minutes from the San Jose IETF meetings
- Missing acknowledgement info needed
- Monday
- More complete diff of HTML DTD
- Mosaic Corp. HTML extensions
- Mosaic Corp. HTML extensions (NCSA Tables?)
- Multi-paragraph ADDRESSes?
- Murray's comments on HTML 2.0 spec
- Murray's comments on HTML 2.0 spec (again)
- Netscape's HTML extensions (comments solicited)
- New (specific) suggestion for Monday time
- Newlines vs carriage returns in the compressed postscript spec
- non-alphabet characters
- Notes on Oct 16 draft
- Nothing to do with HTML
- Nov 28 draft
- November 15 (ish) document available
- One-piece 22 Nov document available (and more)
- OOPS! META got promoted; why did nbsp go away?
- OOPS! META got promoted; why did nbsp go away?
- Or are we prepared to jump into the 2.1/3.x disucssions?
- our ftp directory
- Partial URLs
- Perceived Consensus: Murray's entity stuff goes in
- Perceived Consensus: No ICADD in HTML 2.0
- Perceived Consensus: The META element stays in the Proposed section
- Perceived Consensus: The overview and the DTD reference will stay
- Plan for next 24 days?
- PostScript version available
- Proposal for <INC SRC="URI"> Element for Compound HTML Documents.
- Proposal: </input> tag:
- Proposed HTML Table Model
- Proposed HTML Table Model (real one)
- Proposed HTML/ICADD Table Model Level Two
- PS Version of Internet Draft available
- Question about list format
- Question on attribute values
- Quotation marks in attribute values
- Re ISO-8859-1
- Re(2): Looking toward the IETF meeting
- RE: []'s message
- RE: Better parser == problems
- RE: revised fileupload proposal & SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION
- Re[2]: HTML browser vendors
- Reality Check for HTML 2 RFC
- Received DTD comments?
- REL and REV standard?
- Release: SDA -> dcl
- Release: SDA -> dtd
- Release: SDA ->HTML 2.0 summary
- Request for clarification -- HyperText Markup Language Specification - 2.0
- Required action attribute in FORM
- revised draft-ietf-html-fileupload
- revised fileupload proposal & SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION
- Room has been reserved
- Sanity check of changes in HTML DTD
- SDA attributes #FIXED in the DTD?
- Security & draft-ietf-html-fileupload-01.txt
- SGML-Open entity catalog description
- Slight typo in new HTML 2.0 spec
- Soft Hyphens
- Sorry about that.
- spelling errors in 11/61 RFC
- Standards Track or Informational?
- Status Report; Philosophy
- Status: SDA -> HTML 2.0 for ICADD
- Strange tag syntax [Was: Question? ]
- subscribe
- subscribe to mail list html-wg
- Summary of afternoon IETF session?
- Support for voice generation
- Take out the DTD Reference [Was: Trip Report: IETF meeting of HTML WG ]
- Tentative Agenda for IETF meeting
- TEXTAREA line terminators: platform dependent?
- The RFC will be really long
- This is our workplace
- Trip Report: IETF meeting of HTML WG
- Trip Reports
- Validation service does URLs, levels, and mcom DTD
- We're the proud parents of...
- WG Goals & Milestones
- what to do about ...
- What's next? HTML 2.0 & HTML > 2.0
- Wired mag rant: real Braille == Get Wired!
- Wired mag rant: real Braille == Get Wired!
- Yes, we have a new daughter
Last message date: Thu 29 Dec 1994 - 17:25:11 MST
Archived on: Tue Jan 24 1995 - 14:41:23 MST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.