Re: CENTER element [Was: Netscape & New HTML]

Joe English (
Fri, 21 Oct 1994 14:45:50 -0700

Daniel W. Connolly <> wrote:

> In message <>, Joe English writes:
> > CENTER implies a line break before and after the element.
> > None. Existing browsers can safely ignore the CENTER
> > start- and end- tags; the resulting display will
> > still be a correct rendering of the document content.
> This looks contradictory to me.
> If a body writes:
> <h1> here's some stuff</h1>
> <p> normal para
> <center> centered text</center>
> then today's browsers will blur the "centered text" with the "normal
> para".
> So it appears that <center> does have impact on existing browsers.
> Deploying new block level elements is somewhat problematic.


OK: if %HTML.Recommended; is turned on, then the
example "<p>normal para<center>centered text..."
is illegal to begin with.

With this switch enabled, the content models for
CENTER and DIVISION expand to:


all of which also imply line-breaks before and after,
so it looks like this can still work.

Suggested revision: Strike the statement "CENTER implies
a line break..." from the SUGGESTED RENDERING section
(since it's redundant), and add a note to the effect

CENTER may only be used in conjunction with
the recommended HTML 2.0 features. In particular,
this means that CENTER may not directly contain
text (you must use <P> containers instead).

and replace the first sentence of IMPACT ON EXISTING IMPLEMENTATIONS

None, as long as %HTML.Recomended; is also enabled
in the DTD for documents which use this feature.

> Given that, the DIV or DIVISION element seems like a better idea.

I think so too.

--Joe English