HaLsoft HTML Validation Service
$Id: validation-form.html,v 1.14 1994/10/27 23:18:40 connolly Exp $
I'm sending this to a relatively small audience so we can work out
some kinks before announcing to www-talk, comp.text.sgml, and
maybe even whats-new@ncsa and such.
**1** The validation service now allows you to enter a list of URLs. It
checks each of the listed documents. It currently uses
system("lynx -dump -source")
as a quick hack to get the data. I don't know what would happen if
you pointed it at a postscript file or some such. Please don't try it.
**2** There are options to control the amount of output you get back:
Show Input
Include input data in response.
Show Parser Output
Include detailed parser output in response
Show Formatted Output
Include displayed version of document in response
**3** There are options to select which DTD you want to validate against:
Verify that only recommended idioms are used:
No obsolete nor deprecated elements are used (XMP, LISTING)
A elements contain only inline markup (no H1 inside A, for example).
No text outside of paragraph elements.
Anchor names are unique and begin with a letter
Level 0
Verify that this document is valid even on minimally conforming implementations.
Level 1
Verify that this document is valid on Level 1 implementations (no forms markup is used).
Level 2
Verify that this document is valid on fully conforming Level 2 implementations (forms
markup may be used).
Include the Mosaic Communications Corp. Netscape HTML extensions. (This is a DTD
that I created from their documentation -- not a DTD that they maintain.)
Also, we're working on a little "Certified!" icon that we hope folks
will plaster all over their validated documents. Kind of like the
"Netware: YES!" or Windows '95 icon. Very trendy. We haven't decided
just what it will look like yet.
Right now you get a boring "Check complete. no errors found." message.
Big whoop.
Anyway... we hope these changes will make the service more useful
to folks out there.
Give it a try. Let us know what you think!