Re: DL content model

Murray Maloney (murray@sco.COM)
Mon, 14 Nov 94 10:41:56 EST

> > > * change to DL content model from (DT*, DD?)+ to (DT | DD)*.
> > > OK, I guess.
> >
> > This doesn't match what was discussed at the Working group meeting
> > in Chicago. I thought we had agreed on:
> >
> > <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT*, DD)+>
> Doesn't this allow the following?
> <DL>
> <DD>Definition without preceding term</DD>
> </DL>

Yes, but it also allows this:

<DT> Term 1
<DD> Definition 1a
<DD> Definition 1b
<DT> Term 2
<DT> Term 3
<DD> Definition 2 and 3

The content model that actually describes many actual
definition lists is:

<!ELEMENT DL - - ( ( (DT+, DD) | (DT, DD+) )* )>

That is, I can have one or more terms followed by a definition,
and I can have a term followed by one or more definitions.

I was talked out of this content model, but it does describe what's needed.
I would accept as an alternative anything that allowed a mixture
of DT and DD elements.

> And if it does, wouldn't
> <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT+, DD)+>
> be more sensible? Or am I missing something?

Yes, you are missing the need to have multiple definitions
for a single term. And while Tim BL pointed out that
I could use a nested list to have multiple defn's, I am
not happy with that.
> Wkr
> /G
> --
> G|ran \berg University of Lule}, SWEDEN Student MSc CS
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