Re: Outstanding Issues for 2.0 RFC (charsets?)
Larry Masinter (
Wed, 8 Feb 95 15:22:31 EST
> I'd like to see the character set problem worked out too.
> But I don't think that it will be anytime real soon.
> I agree with Dan and Eric's positions that we need
> to move forward with what we have and get HTML 2.0
> out the door. A few less engineers I could cope with,
> I'm just glad that Dan doesn't want to shoot all of the
> technical writers. :-)
I suppose I need to defend the work I've already put in, then. I
proposed a set of edits that primarly removed unnecessary language in
the 2.0 draft, and clarified what was muddy language. That is, I
propose that the edits I've offered actually *have* worked out 'the
character set problem', and I question the assesment that "I don't
think that will be anytime real soon".