> I think the time and effort of this group would be better spent
> preparing for the Stockholm meeting. If the agenda has been brought
> forward, I have missed it.
> I would like to see the META discussion on that agenda. WHat are the
> other topics that need immediate attention at the meeting?
The general topic I would like to see addressed is what is to go
into 2.1. Specific topics:
File upload
international character sets
-- Ron Daniel Jr. email: rdaniel@acl.lanl.gov Advanced Computing Lab voice: (505) 665-0597 MS B-287 TA-3 Bldg. 2011 fax: (505) 665-4939 Los Alamos National Lab http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~rdaniel/ Los Alamos, NM, 87545 tautology: "Conformity is very popular"