html-wg-95q3 by subject
Starting: Mon 03 Jul 1995 - 18:25:50 MDT
Ending: Mon 07 Aug 1995 - 00:32:20 MDT
Messages: 463
- %pre.content
- (no subject)
- a comment on draft-ietf-html-tables-00.txt
- A good how-to write HTML guide
- Agenda
- Agenda)
- Assistance for productive contribution to this group
- Aug 4 draft of HTML 2.0
- browser consistency [was: Agenda ]
- Character encoding and entities
- Comments on File Upload
- counters
- Default entities and AT&T
- Displaying Control Characters
- Draft minutes from Stockholm
- draft-eastlake-internet-payment-00.txt
- draft-ietf-html-table...
- draft-ietf-html-tables-00.txt
- draft-ietf-html-tables-00.txt - table height
- FIG and MAP
- file upload comments
- Generic LIST Element Proposal
- Globalizing URIs
- HTML 2.0 DTD
- HTML 3: Too many tags!
- HTML 3: Too many tags!)
- HTML characters and Unicode status?
- HTML Processors
- HTML Table ID
- HTML-WG digest 105: Unicode
- HTML-WG digest 107
- HTML-WG digest 107 - harmful encodings
- HTML-WG digest 108
- I propose (seriously, sorry) another tag
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-clientsideimagemap-01.txt
- I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-html-tables-00.txt
- INFO for HTML-wg
- Internet Draft for FIG
- Is LANG appropriate for non-human languages?
- Is LANG appropriate for non-human languages?)
- Is this use of BASE kosher?
- keyword tag...
- LANG as an attribute
- Language Markup
- Language Markup)
- Last Call: Are complaints submitted forwarded to this list?
- Last Call: Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 to Proposed Standard
- Link Terminology
- Mail problem
- mailto and subjects
- MBONE from Stockholm?
- NAME as ID
- New to Listserv and HTML in General
- No More Advocacy!
- non-ascii markup? [was: NAME as ID ]
- OCLC's proposal for metadata in html
- Other Uses of BASE? [was: Security concersn with BASE [was: Is this use of BASE koshe ]
- Presentation methods and media types
- Problem with FORMs in draft-ietf-html-spec-04.txt
- Proposal for XREF element
- Psycholo
- Psychology and usefulness) (fwd)
- Re draft minutes (RESEND)
- Re draft-ietf-html-tables-00.txt
- Re msg hdrs in HTML
- Re shorttag
- Re(2):keyword tag...
- Re[2]: Simple Vector file format for Web?
- Remarks on Tables draft
- Revised Table Proposal for HTML3
- Security concersn with BASE
- Security concersn with BASE [was: Is this use of BASE kosher? ]
- Separation of presentation and structure
- SGML revision: SHORTTAG separation
- Simple Vector file format
- Simple Vector file format for Web?
- Stockholm Agenda
- Stockholm Agenda?
- Suggestion for HTML Text Format Elements
- tables-00.txt, min column width
- TEXT, C, NOBR and WORD tags
- Tgif - Simple Vector file format for Web?
- Thanks to all who responded
- this is a recording...
- What BASE means
- Where do we want you to go today?
- Why <LANG>, directional considerations
Last message date: Mon 07 Aug 1995 - 00:32:20 MDT
Archived on: Mon Aug 07 1995 - 01:15:09 MDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.