The content model for <head> uses an inclusion exception:
<!ELEMENT HEAD O O (%head.content) +(META|LINK)>
This generally a good idea, allowing <meta> and <link> elements to
float within the <head> amongst the other ordered elements. However,
the current model for <title>:
would then allow <meta> and <link> to occur *within* the <title>.
This was probably not what was intended. An exclusion exception would
fix this:
Note that the asterisk in the content model isn't necessary - #PCDATA
is any amount of parsed character data, and zero or more occurences of
any amount is still any amount.
-- Christopher R. Maden Electronic Book Technologies, Inc. Applications Consultant One Richmond Square Providence, Rhode Island 02906 USA +1-401-421-9550 (voice) +1-401-521-2030 (fax)