this is a recording...

John Martin (
Thu, 20 Jul 95 19:37:34 EDT

I am away from the office from the 15th June until the 19th July.

I may not be reading my mail so if you have anything urgent
concerning the TERENA Technical Programme, our involvement in the
Telematics Applications programme, TERENA projects or our Document
Store, (ftp, www, gopher), please send it to:

If your mail is about a TERENA meeting or an administrative matter then
it should be sent to:

If your mail is about the INSIGHT project, please contact the project
managers, DANTE:

If your mail is about the EC Telematics Applications Programme, please
send it to:

Your mail regarding:


will be read when I return. (You should receive this message only



PS: If you receive this message via a mailing list then either my
vacation program or the listserver is broken; probably the latter but
please let me know.