Re: Globalizing URIs

Jon Knight (
Thu, 3 Aug 95 13:14:27 EDT

On Thu, 3 Aug 1995, Gavin Nicol wrote:
> I don't mind where the information is put, but one reason
> for preferring:
> http:[EUC]//
> over
> is that the latter could very will be a legal name within the system,
> leading to ambiguity.

But surely the character set in use is a server issue and thus should be
in the opaque data portion of the URL? The second scheme will be
understood by server for which that is the correct URL and can be handled
with current browsers, whereas the first version will probably cause most
current browsers severe stomach cramps even if the server understood it.
If the URL is valid for the server its pointing to there shouldn't be any
ambiguity with legal names in the system as the server will be expecting
the [EUC] or whatever.

However, I'd rather see something tacked onto the _end_ of the URL rather
than at the start of the opaque data section. Maybe something like:;charset=EUC

It just seems more inkeeping with other things I've seen suggested in the


Jon Knight, Researcher, Sysop and General Dogsbody, Department of Computer
Studies, Loughborough University of Technology, Leics., ENGLAND. LE11 3TU.
*** Nothing looks so like a man of sense as a fool who holds his tongue ***