Re: Suppress scroll bars - an idea

Walter Ian Kaye (
Sun, 2 Jul 1995 12:28:44 -0700

At 12:48p 07/02/95, Mike Batchelor wrote:
>Walter Ian Kaye once wrote...
>> At 11:05p 07/01/95, Mike Batchelor wrote:
>> >I have a suggestion for another style attribute: no-scrollbars. I don't
>> >know about any of you, but I find it tiresome to use a scrollbar on a long
>> >
>> >Any comments?
>> Re "no-scrollbars": No way, no how, nu-uh. Bad bad bad.
>Why why why. Flat declarations do little to illuminate your thinking.

1. Scrollbars are platform-specific, HTML is platform-independent.

2. Use (or non-use) of scrollbars is a personal preference.

3. Page size is platform-specific, so there is no way your page
could know whether it fits on a given screen (and even if it
did, HTML does not have if/then/else programming constructs.

4. Not all keyboards have page up/down keys. See item 1.

5. You would give a Macintosh user a heart attack. See item 1.

-Walter :)

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# Walter Ian Kaye: (415) 965-4517 FoxPro/Excel Programmer; Guitarist #
# Correspond to:, #
# BinHex files: WWW: #
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