WWW library version 1.1
Denis DeLaRoca (310) 825-4580 <CSP1DWD@mvs.oac.ucla.edu>
Message-id: <9212120729.AA02157@dxmint.cern.ch>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 92 23:28 PST
To: timbl@nxoc01.cern.ch
From: Denis DeLaRoca (310) 825-4580 <CSP1DWD@mvs.oac.ucla.edu>
Subject: WWW library version 1.1
Cc: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
I have gone ahead and fetched library v1.1 and linkedited it with
a LineMode browser v1.3b and am observing problems with the navigating
commands Back and HOme, when doing Back you end up with prompts that
feature no links to select even though the display shows active links,
HOme also appears to get lost...
I've noticed that your LineMode browser is now at version 1.4 but
it hasn't been posted yet on info.cern.ch, could this possible explain
the problems that I am observing?
-- Denis