an Idea for a new WWW disc. group
Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <RASHTY%HUJIVMS.BITNET@cearn.bitnet>
Message-id: <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 19:28 +0200
From: Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <RASHTY%HUJIVMS.BITNET@cearn.bitnet>
Subject: an Idea for a new WWW disc. group
I think it is time to create a new group for all the users of the WWW, that
will let them exchange ideas of data sources ect.
In the Hebrew University we have created several data bases on our WWW which
may be intersting to other users of the WWW.
(GcG - for Genetic Biolegy, Tex and more)
I think that the www-talk is more for the technical side of the WWW, and there
should be another list like WWW-DATA for exchanging information about data
: **** Thanks !! **** :
: Dudu Rashty Rashty@Vms.Huji.Ac.Il __o o__ :
: Computation Center Bitnet:Rashty@HUJIVMS _ \<,_ _.>/ _ :
: The Hebrew University Phone: +972-2-584397 (_)/ (_) (_) \(_) :
: Jerusalem 91904, ISRAEL. Fax: +972-2-527349 D u d u :