Handling + in document searches
"Tony Johnson (415) 926 2278" <TONYJ@scs.slac.stanford.edu>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1993 23:24 PDT
From: "Tony Johnson (415) 926 2278" <TONYJ@scs.slac.stanford.edu>
Subject: Handling + in document searches
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Message-id: <EC79F6C9D0000191@SCS.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU>
X-Envelope-To: www-talk@nxoc01.CERN.CH
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I would like to reraise an issue I have mentioned before but not obtained a
clear answer on.
At SLAC we are using WWW as a means of accessing a set of High Energy Physics
databases maintained here (SPIRES). One common usage is to search for
particular particle types, for example PI+. There is an immediate problem in
that the + symbol is treated specially in search strings by the current
http-daemons, namely it is changed to a space (for largely historic reasons).
I would like to propose the following:
ALL browsers should perform the following translations on search strings typed
in by the user:
+ " % and <space> should be replaced by %nn where nn is the ASCII
code for the translated character
ALL daemons should translate %nn in search strings back to the appropriate
character. For historical reasons the + should continue to be translated to
<space> as now.
Comments????? Can we do it tomorrow?