rlogin type

montulli@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (Lou Montulli)
From: montulli@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (Lou Montulli)
Message-id: <9303051810.AA41960@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu>
Subject: rlogin type
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 93 12:10:35 CST
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL2]
There has been one or two messages that I have read hinting
about this capibility but none that I have seen stating
very clearly that an rlogin type is needed.  So now I'm 
saying it.  How about an rlogin type.  This would look
very similar to telnet type.



    hostname | hostnumber


If a client cannot process an rlogin then it can be treated as
a regular telnet type.  This is basically just a convienence
routine, saving the user from typing in a username.  I wouldn't
request this if it wasn't so easy to implement.

Well how about it???

  *           T H E   U N I V E R S I T Y   O F   K A N S A S              *
  *         Lou  MONTULLI @ Ukanvax.bitnet         			   *
  *                         Kuhub.cc.ukans.edu               	           *
  *  Nothing difficult,     Ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu    ACS Computing Services *
  *   is ever easy!         	913/864-0436	       Lawrence, KS 66044  *
  *					         			   *
  *  For how we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who *
  *  studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the *
  *  way to his downfall rather than to his preservation.  -Machiavelli    *