Alpha test of wwwlib 2.0 for developers only

Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <RASHTY%HUJIVMS.BITNET@cearn.bitnet>
Date:     Wed,  10 Mar 93 8:40 +0200
Message-id: <10030093084056@HUJIVMS>
From: Dudu Rashty +972-2-584848 <RASHTY%HUJIVMS.BITNET@cearn.bitnet>
Subject:  Alpha test of wwwlib 2.0 for developers only

1) In the wwwlib 1.0 there is a problem with the ftp protocol, It is unable to
establish connection with VMS and other systems.

Part of this problem is the way it define the RETR command (it does it in a
unix style and not in a VMS style)

I think that in gopher+ this problem of accessing different ftp servers
is fixed,

Is it also in the new wwwlib 2.0 ???

:                                                      **** Thanks !! **** :
: Dudu Rashty                Rashty@Vms.Huji.Ac.Il         __o     o__     :
: Computation Center         Bitnet:Rashty@HUJIVMS       _ \<,_   _.>/ _   :
: The Hebrew University      Phone:  +972-2-584397      (_)/ (_) (_) \(_)  :
: Jerusalem 91904, ISRAEL.   Fax:    +972-2-527349       D    u    d    u  :