Informal Server Announcement (Joe Germuska)
From: (Joe Germuska)
Message-id: <>
Subject: Informal Server Announcement
Date: Fri, 7 May 1993 11:03:32 -0500 (CDT)
Reply-To: (Joe Germuska)
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This is a rather informal announcement of a rather informal web-server,
located at

I'm running the NCSA .3(beta) release of httpd, and have gotten the feeling
that non-Mosaic products don't get along all that well with it, but that's
one reason why I'm announcing -- to find out how true that is.  But I use
XMosaic, and have some inlined images and stuff -- that's really the
platform I'm creating for.

Of course, the real reason I'm announcing is that I want people to come
over and visit and tell me what they think!  Like I said, very informal,
but I could use some feedback about how things work and look...

Currently, we have:
* a sprouting collection of Jazz information grepped from
* the SURFPUNK Technical Journal archives
* the space where the BLINK electronic journal archives will be  (our first
	issue goes out next week)

I'm also talking to Pete Ashdown, author of the XDZebra Techno Music
reviews about hypertexting and presenting his back-issues and future
stuff...  And, if anyone else has stuff they've been wanting to see
archived, and I find it interesting enough to stare at for hours of
hypertexting, we might make something of it...

Most of the files aren't very hyper-text-y yet, but as I find time and get
ideas, I'll work on it -- if any of you see ideas for good links or other
structural things, I'd appreciate word...

	Joe Germuska
	Administrator, W3 server

joe germuska | | Network Response Center
ACNS-Distributed Systems Services, Northwestern University
Ceci n'est pas une signature.

joe germuska | | Network Response Center
ACNS-Distributed Systems Services, Northwestern University
Ceci n'est pas une signature.