MIME and HTRQ/V1.0 question

Tony Sanders <sanders@bsdi.com>
Errors-To: sanders@bsdi.com
Message-id: <9305191740.AA04120@austin.BSDI.COM>
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: MIME and HTRQ/V1.0 question
Errors-To: sanders@bsdi.com
Reply-To: sanders@bsdi.com
Organization: Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Date: Wed, 19 May 1993 12:40:51 -0500
From: Tony Sanders <sanders@bsdi.com>
When returning a document of unknown content what should the header
format say?

Options as I see it are:

1   Content-type: text/plain\n\n[raw data]

2   Context-type: text/html\n\n<PLAINTEXT>\n[raw data]
    [Is <PLAINTEXT> being depreciated?]

3   Context-type: application/binary [for binary files and]
    Context-type: text/plain [for text files]

I'm assuming option #3 unless I hear otherwise.  It will work well
if browers do something like <PLAINTEXT> for text/plain and
pop up a save file dialog for application/binary.

Marc: How is Mosaic going to handle things like .cave files?
are there going to be MIME types added for stuff like this?
Here are my current plans.
    # XXX: need to make tar, uu, z, and Z be encodings
    $ext{'aiff'}  = $ext{'AIFF'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'au'}    = $ext{'AU'}    = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'snd'}   = $ext{'SND'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'cave'}  = $ext{'CAVE'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'dvi'}   = $ext{'DVI'}   = 'application/dvi';
    $ext{'evlm'}  = $ext{'EVLM'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'gif'}   = $ext{'GIF'}   = 'image/binary';
    $ext{'html'}  = $ext{'HTML'}  = 'text/html';
    $ext{'jpeg'}  = $ext{'JPEG'}  = 'image/jpeg';
    $ext{'jpg'}   = $ext{'JPG'}   = 'image/jpeg';
    $ext{'mime'}  = $ext{'MIME'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'movie'} = $ext{'MOVIE'} = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'mpeg'}  = $ext{'MPEG'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'mpg'}   = $ext{'MPG'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'ps'}    = $ext{'PS'}    = 'application/postscript';
    $ext{'rgb'}   = $ext{'RGB'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'rtf'}   = $ext{'RTF'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'tar'}   = $ext{'TAR'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'hqx'}   = $ext{'HQX'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'uu'}    = $ext{'UU'}    = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'tex'}   = $ext{'TEX'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'tiff'}  = $ext{'TIFF'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'tif'}   = $ext{'TIF'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'txt'}   = $ext{'TXT'}   = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'text'}  = $ext{'TEXT'}  = 'application/binary';
    $ext{'xbm'}   = $ext{'XBM'}   = 'image/xbitmap';
    $ext{'xwd'}   = $ext{'XWD'}   = 'image/xwindowdump';
    $ext{'z'}     = $ext{'Z'}     = 'application/binary';      # different!
I also need to figure out how to the the encoding stuff work
for MIME.  Guess I need to study the RFC for a while.

Comments/suggestions?  lemme know
