Arthur Secret <secret@hpwww.cern.ch>
Message-id: <9306161216.AA07442@dxmint.cern.ch>
From: Arthur Secret <secret@hpwww.cern.ch>
Subject: WWW - ORACLE
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 93 14:15:08 METDST
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
Forwarded is a mail from Guy Decoux presenting his improvements
made on the WWW-Oracle Gateway.
To know what has been done so far on this subject (to my knowledge), you should
access http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/RDBGate/Overview.html
(Begin forwarded message)
> This is an adaptation of Arthur Secret's work.
> Characteristics
> ---------------
> * only the condition of the WHERE clause is required
> in the search text
> * links to other queries can be made.
> * multiple styles (glossaries, lists, plaintext, ...)
> * queries to multiple databases are possible.
> * only the server knows the access details for the
> database (database name, username, password).
> * no modifications for the clients, only the server is upgraded.
> * possible access control to restrict what systems can
> query a specific table (adaptation of "tcp_wrapper"
> - Wietse Venema (wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl)).
> * "oracle/" must be specified in the pathname of the document.
> Syntax
> ------
> With each document (suffix ".html") is associated a file with
>".sql". This file defines both the SQL statement to be used
>when a query is done on the file, and also the format of the output
>to be returned. The file format is :
> * head (optional) : normal text with possible keywords
> - <unesc> condition of the WHERE clause (HTUnEscape)
> - <esc> encoded condition (HTEscape).
> The macros <unesc> and <esc> are replaced by the
> search text entered by the user in escaped (URL)
> or unescaped (as typed) form.
> * the SELECT clause is given between tags <SELECT ...> </SELECT>.
>is <SELECT option = string, ...>. The following options can be used
>optional) :
> - type=tableau : for output like
> col1 col2 ... coln
> -------------------
> aaa aaa ... aaa
> bbb bb ... b
> ...
> ccc c ... cc
> - database : database name (default A)
> - username : oracle username (default SCOTT)
> - password : password (default TIGER)
> - format : default C format to apply to each returned value
>(default, "%s=%s")
> - maxselect: maximum number of returned row (default 40).
> The names of options are not case sensitive. The <select>
> block is expanded to the returned results.
> * this can be repeated ("head", "<select> block", "head", "
> <select> block", ...)
> In the SELECT clause, you can specify (in comment /* */) a C
>"printf" format string (after
>the column name, or alias) to display the returned value. This format
>can have 3 %s (like default format of tag <SELECT>). These are used
>to output the following string values:
> - 1st %s for column name (or alias, if specified)
> - 2nd and 3rd %s for the returned value (see example below).
> The SELECT clause is also a C format whith a maximum of 8
>occurrences of "%s", each used for the condition of the WHERE clause.
> Text can be put before (and after) each row.
> Example
> -------
> The following document "http://moulon.inra.fr/oracle/A/projet.html"
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Interrogation de la relation projets[1] sur un quelconque de ces
> afin de retrouver les caracteristiques associees telles que
> bibliographie, ou la carte.
> Attention : mefiez vous des "faux-amis".
> Certains champs peuvent preter a confusion lors de
>l'interrogation, par
> exemple le champ responsable figurant a la fois dans les relations
> et dispositif. Pour eviter de tels problemes, si vous vous doutez
> confusion possible, prefixez le champ par le nom de la relation.
> Par exemple, "projets.responsable like 'ts%'"
> -------
> Retour au menu[2].
> [End]
>FIND <keywords>, 1-2, Back, Up, Quit, or Help:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> is associated with file "projet.sql" :
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> <h1>Projets associes a <unesc></h1><ul>
> <select>
> /*<li>*/ select rowid
> /*%0.0s<a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/projet.row?rowid='%s'>*/,
> projet "prj", type "type" , responsable "resp"/*%s=%s*/
> from projets
> where %s/*</a>
> */
> </select>
> </ul><p><h2>Caracteristiques associees</h2>
> <h3>
> <a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/biblio.sql?<esc>>Bibliographie<
> /a>
> </h3>
> <h3><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/carte.sql?<esc>>Carte</a></h3>
> <h3><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/dispositif.sql?<esc>>dispositif
> </a>
> </h3>
> <h2><a href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/projet.lis?<esc>>Liste
> </a>
> des reponses</h2>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~
> Query "FIND projet like 'P%'" gives :
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> projet
> like 'P%'
> prj=P1type=type P1resp=ts (decoux@moulon.inra.fr)[1]
> prj=P2type=type P2resp=decoux[2]
> prj=P3type=type P3resp=ts[3]
> Caracteristiques associees
> CARTE[5]
> Liste [7] des reponses
> [End]
> FIND <keywords>, 1-7, Back, Up, Quit, or Help:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~
> i.e. :
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~
> <ISINDEX><TITLE>projet like 'P%'</TITLE>
> <h1>Projets associes a projet like 'P%'</h1><ul>
> <li><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/projet.row?rowid='000002BF.0000
> .0003'>prj=P1type=type P1resp=ts (decoux@moulon.inra.fr)</a>
> <li><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/projet.row?rowid='000002BF.0001
> .0003'>prj=P2type=type P2resp=decoux</a>
> <li><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/projet.row?rowid='000002BF.0003
> .0003'>prj=P3type=type P3resp=ts</a>
> </ul><p><h2>Caracteristiques associees</h2>
> <h3>
> <a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/biblio.sql?projet%20like%20%27P
> %25%27>Bibliographie</a>
> </h3>
> <h3><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/carte.sql?projet%20like%20%27P%
> 25%27>Carte</a></h3>
> <h3><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/dispositif.sql?projet%20like%20
> %27P%25%27>dispositif</a>
> </h3>
> <h2><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/projet.lis?projet%20like%20%27P
> %25%27>Liste </a>
> des reponses</h2>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~
> Files are :
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~
> * projet.row
> <h2>Description generale d'un projet</h2>
> <select format="%s = %s<p>
> ">
> select projet,type,t1d,t2d,morpho,physio,qtl,responsable,mere,pere,
> CARTE/*%s = <a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/carte.row?carte='%s'>%s</a><p>*
> /,remarques
> from projets
> where %s
> </select>
> * biblio.sql
> <h2>Bibliographie pour <unesc></h2><ul>
> <select>
> /*<li>*/select unique biblio.rowid "-"
> /*%0.0s<a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/biblio.row?rowid='%s'>*/,
> ref , auteurs from projet_biblio, biblio, projets
> where (num_ref = ref) and (num_prj=projet) and %s /*</a>
> */
> </select>
> </ul><p><h1><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/biblio.lis?<esc>>Liste
> </a> des reponses</h1>
> * carte.sql :
> <h2>Cartes pour <unesc></h2><ul>
> <select>
> /*<li>*/select cartes.rowid "-"
> /*%0.0s<a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/carte.row?rowid='%s'>*/,
> cartes.carte , population "pop"
> from cartes, projets
> where (projets.carte = cartes.carte) and %s/*</a>
> */
> </select>
> </ul><p><h1><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/carte.lis?<esc>>Liste
> </a> des reponses</h1>
> * dispositif.sql
> <h2>Dispositifs pour <unesc></h2><ul>
> <select format="%s=%s">
> /*<li>*/select unique dispositif.rowid "-"
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/dispositif.row?dispositif.rowid
> ='%s'>*/,
> experience "exp" , test
> from dispositif_projet, dispositif, projets
> where (num_exp = experience) and (num_prj = projet) and (%s)/*</a>
> */
> </select>
> </ul><p><h1><a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/dispositif.lis?<esc>>Liste
> </a>
> des reponses</h1>
> <p>Voir aussi les
> <a
> href=http://moulon.inra.fr:80/oracle/A/caract.html>caracteristiques</a
> associees a chaque dispositif.>
> * projet.lis :
> Reponse a la question <unesc><pre>
> <select format="%s = %s
> ">
> select * from projets where %s/*//
> */
> </select>
> </pre>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Guy Decoux
> Laboratoire de Genetique Vegetale
> Ferme du Moulon
> 91190 Gif sur Yvette
> Tel : (33 1) 69 41 97 37
> Fax : (33 1) 69 41 27 90
> e-mail : decoux@moulon.inra.fr
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> p.s.
> Please note :
> 1) I program like i speak english (very BAD, excuse me)
> 2) A french and comprehensible version of this text is
> http://moulon.inra.fr/oracle/www_oracle.html
Arthur Secret, e-mail: secret@dxcern.cern.ch