New Version of WWW Browser For Emacs

"William M. Perry" <>
Subject: New Version of WWW Browser For Emacs
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1993 14:55:45 -0500
Message-id: <>
From: "William M. Perry" <>
This is to announce the release of version .55beta of the emacs world
wide web browser.

This has some fairly large changes, but most of them won't be visible
to the users.

For those not familiar with w3-mode already, it is a hypertext browser
written entirely in emacs-lisp.  It runs under emacs 18, emacs 19,
Lucid Emacs, and Epoch equally well.  (Well, not equally, but close
enough)  It takes advantage of different features of each emacs.
(Font/mouse support in lucid/epoch/emacs19, graphics support in epoch,

The browser can be ftped from:       For the main files   For support files

The extras.tar.z file contains: ange-ftp, background, transparent,
gopher, forms, and nntp lisp packages.  (Other people wrote _MUCH_
better gopher/ftp interfaces than I could hope to, so I use those)

If you already have these files installed on your system, there is no
need for you to get the extras.tar.z file.

Once you have unpacked the w3.tar.z file in your lisp directory, you
should be able to just edit the Makefile to point to where you want
the lisp files installed, where your .emacs file is, and where emacs
is located on your system.  Then type 'make install' and it will add a
few autoload statements to your .emacs and change your load-path
slightly.  (You can just type 'make w3' to just compile the lisp code
if you want to make the changes to your .emacs yourself)

Documentation on the emacs browser can be obtained from:

Please send me some email if you pick up this package, just so I can
tell roughly how many people are using it.

Also send mail if you find any files that cause w3 to break (already
know of one that causes an infinite loop: try to avoid if at all
possible - the multiple nested lists cause the parser to freak right
now, and I haven't had time to track it down).

Happy Emacsing!

-Bill Perry

-- William M. Perry ( --
'Who finds a thought that enables him to obtain a slightly deeper glimpse into
 the eternal secrets of nature has been given great grace.'
    - Albert Einstein