Re: WWWWW Notes

Steve Heaney <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1993 20:32:03 +0200
From: Steve Heaney <>
Message-id: <>
Subject: Re: WWWWW Notes
Status: RO writes:
> What might be really nice would be if the style sheets themselves could be
> formalized in some fashion, so that a document could consist of a semantic
> component (HTML, HTML+) and a presentation component (HTPL?) which would
> indicate how each (named?  semantic?) region should be presented.  
> A WYSIWYGBNWOMG (8-) editor could generate the two components.  If different
> HTPL's could be defined for different presentation domains (textual,
> textual/graphical,audio/verbal, virtual reality), documents could become very
> very very flexible, without losing the ability for authors to have control
> over the presentation of their baby.  nteresting new things could be done if
> these HTPL's could be referenced in a standard way by a document LINK, or by
> an attached annotation.

Excellent idea (really).

The US DoD as part of the CAL initiative defined a format for the coding 
of presentation information.  A document coded to this format is called a FOSI 
(Formatting Output Specification Instance).  You could have as many FOSI's 
as you want for one SGML DTD.  Exactly what you describe.  I wouldn't suggest 
adopting the FOSI standard (too heavy), but it contains some useful ideas.

> Any discussion as to how HTML+ would have to be modified to allow this kind of
> thing?  It seems that as long as you have named containers that you could do
> quite useful (and specific) things with this without losing generality.

Exactly what the separation of content and presentation is all about.  Don't 
me mislead when you hear SGML freaks go on about the evil of presentation 
information in a document.  Of course you need control of presentation, but 
put it in a style sheet.

> > 
> > When we talk about presentation in HTML+ we are mostly talking about tables
> > and external graphical image layout (e.g., gif's).  Someone should make
> > a list of the presentation like elements in HTML+.
> > 
> > --sanders
> > 
> One test of the viability of a HTML+/HTPL solution would be if it would
> allow you to be flexible in controlling where an image would go in a page
> relative to text.  NCSA Mosaic is rather frustrating in this regard
> currently.. it would be nice to be able to center an image on a line,
> for instance, or to have text wrap around an image..
> Jon

Steve Heaney.

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