Re: WWW Usage (sample from two hosts)
Tony Sanders <>
Message-id: <9308251838.AA29424@austin.BSDI.COM>
Subject: Re: WWW Usage (sample from two hosts)
In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 25 Aug 93 11:23:16 +0200.
Organization: Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1993 13:38:44 -0500
From: Tony Sanders <>
Status: RO
> Your work is useful for me, as I will go on an evangelising tour of
> Europe soon. I would like a breakdown hierarchically: total for uk,
> then total for ac inside uk, and so on. Thus we would get something
Ok, How about the format below. It goes two levels down for all
domains that end with a two letter code, and one level down for the rest.
For the online version it will sort each top level domain into seperate
files and generate an index summary with pointers to the detailed lists.
Should I limit the three level reports to domains with .ac .edu or .com
subdomains (i.e., .at .au .be .il .jp .kr .nz .pl .sg .tr .tw .uk .us .za)?
so .ch would look like this sample. On the other hand I could have it
so that it only details known subdomain names (.edu .ac .co .gv .gov .com
any others?). Speak now.
The detailed reports are sorted alphabetically but the index will be
sorted by count. Does that sounds ok?
The next challenge is to gather this information automatically.
Then we can start adding new features.
WWW Usage Summary from sites:
Total Unique Hosts: 4655
IPADDRs w/no name: 304
ch 201
alcatel 2
ascom 1
cern 122
epfl 18
ethz 14
hcuge 4
idiap 2
isbiel 2
itr 2
psi 2
spectrospin 1
unibe 2
unifr 3
unige 24
unine 1
unizh 1
edu 1428
acusd 1
albany 2
appstate 2
arizona 6
asu 1
bates 2
baylor 1
bc 2
berkeley 32
bgsu 3
bradley 1
brockport 1
brown 14
bu 20
buffalo 1
byu 1
calpoly 4
calstate 1
caltech 23
calvin 1
clarkson 4
clu 1
cmu 56
cnc 4
cofc 1
colorado 11
colostate 8
columbia 10
cornell 31
csbsju 2
csufresno 2
csuohio 1
cuny 3
cwru 9
duke 15
educom 1
fit 3
fsu 2
gac 1
gatech 19
gmu 2
gsu 9
harvard 14
hawaii 11
iastate 41
icase 3
idbsu 1
imsa 1
indiana 24
isi 2
isu 1
iupui 2
jhu 5
jhuapl 3
kent 6
ksu 9
lafayette 1
latech 4
lclark 1
lehigh 3
louisville 3
lsu 1
luc 1
maine 3
maricopa 2
mayo 6
mbl 1
memst 2
merit 5
miami 2
mit 106
msc 2
msstate 16
msu 9
msus 1
muc 1
muohio 1
nas 2
nau 1
ncsu 7
nd 1
neu 4
nevada 1
niu 1
njit 4
nmt 4
noao 7
nodak 2
nova 1
nrao 8
nwu 15
nyu 11
oakland 2
odu 4
ogi 3
ohio_state 13
okstate 1
olemiss 1
orst 4
pdx 2
pitt 14
princeton 10
psc 4
psu 4
purdue 34
reed 1
riacs 2
rice 6
rit 2
rochester 1
rockefeller 1
rpi 25
runet 1
rutgers 8
saintjoe 2
scarolina 4
sdsc 8
shsu 1
slu 1
smith 1
sonoma 2
stanford 44
stolaf 10
stsci 6
sunysb 5
swarthmore 1
syr 6
tamu 15
tayloru 1
tjhsst 1
tmc 9
toronto 3
trinity 2
ttu 2
ua 2
uab 3
ualr 4
uark 15
uc 5
ucar 11
ucdavis 4
ucf 2
uchicago 15
uci 6
ucla 9
ucsb 3
ucsc 12
ucsd 15
ucsf 9
udel 4
ufl 9
uga 3
uic 5
uidaho 1
uiowa 7
uiuc 67
ukans 6
uky 5
ulowell 4
umass 3
umbc 5
umd 18
umich 13
uml 1
ummed 2
umn 22
umt 1
unbc 2
unc 9
uncecs 1
unh 4
unm 6
unomaha 2
unr 2
unt 1
upenn 12
uri 2
usc 3
usfca 1
usl 11
usm 3
utah 4
utexas 31
utk 11
uvm 1
uwm 1
vanderbilt 3
virginia 7
vt 13
washington 37
wayne 2
wesleyan 1
wfu 1
williams 3
wisc 7
wlu 1
wm 1
wpi 2
wright 1
wsu 2
wustl 3
yale 2
uk 363
ac 327
aber 1
afrc 1
anglia 1
bangor 1
bath 1
bcc 5
bham 4
bpmf 5
bris 3
brunel 9
cam 39
cf 14
city 5
cranfield 2
dl 6
dundee 1
dur 9
ed 16
essex 1
gla 11
gre 1
hensa 1
hw 5
ic 11
keele 2
lancs 1
le 6
leeds 36
liv 7
lut 7
man 5
mcc 3
mhs_relay 2
nerc_swindon 1
nott 3
open 2
ox 17
qmw 7
qub 1
rdg 8
rhbnc 1
rl 21
sari 1
soton 2
st_and 3
strath 3
sund 3
surrey 1
susx 2
swan 3
tex 1
ucl 5
ukc 2
uknet 1
ulcc 2
umist 1
warwick 5
wlv 2
york 7
co 36
bnsuk 1
demon 11
dircon 2
fulcrum 2
ggr 1
logica 1
meiko 4
nag 1
natpower 2
nexor 7
sharp 1
unipalm 1
x 1
xylint 1