Re: uh oh -- halp! (Erik Ostrom)
From: (Erik Ostrom)
Message-id: <>
Subject: Re: uh oh -- halp!
To: (Marc Andreessen)
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1993 08:21:05 (CDT)
In-reply-to: <> from "Marc Andreessen" at Sep 9, 93 00:28:05 am
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> has served us well and is ideal for what it is (very simple, very
> lightweight, and very easy to build shell scripts around -- my
> proposed partial upgrade situation described above should leave those
> qualities intact)
Wait, I don't understand. HTTP0 is just Gopher plus some extra
characters, right? That is, the Gopher request
and the HTTP0 request
GET <obscure_path_name> HTTP/1.0
are functionally equivalent.
Yes, there are good reasons for wanting a protocol that is very
simple, very lightweight, and very easy to build shell scripts
around--but given that we have one already (with a far wider installed
base), I don't understand why we need to maintain an extra one.