InterNIC Using Interleaf (Dale Dougherty)
From: (Dale Dougherty)
Message-id: <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1993 23:07:42 -0700
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (2.1.0 10/27/92)
Subject: InterNIC Using Interleaf
Status: RO
I don't know if anyone else picked up on the InterNIC's
announcement of a CD-ROM called NICLink using Interleaf's browser. 

Included message {
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 08:23:35 PDT
From: InterNIC Info Scout <>
Subject: InterNIC Information Services announces NIC Fest '93 

NIC Fest '93

The Workshop for Network Information Center Staff

InterNIC Information Services announces NIC Fest '93 to be held on
Saturday, November 6, 1993 in San Diego, California.  Join us for a
day-long workshop specifically designed for network information center
(NIC) management, staff, and anyone responsible for supporting
Internet users. In addition to a day full of useful information and
interaction, you'll receive a free copy of the first issue of NICLink, a
CD-ROM based collection of Internet reference materials. (see below)

[stuff deleted]

* Upcoming Developments in Cyberspace. Future developments to watch
for, so you can plan ahead. 

A free copy of a special introductory issue of NICLink will be distributed
to all NIC Fest attendees. NICLink, issued quarterly, is a CD-ROM
subscription service. The NICLink CD will contain the InfoSource, the
Information Services online information database that highlights the
information resources of the Internet.  Additional information, images,
electronic books, and software from the Internet will be included in
future issues.  The CD-ROM will be compatible with Macintosh, PC Windows,
and some UNIX configurations.  The software used to present the data is
Interleaf's WorldView Press, which incorporates full database search
functions as well as hypertext linking capabilities to provide a powerful,
easy-to-use interface. 

Haven't these folks heard of Mosaic, the WWW and WAIS?
I'll bet they have wonderful screendumps of Gopher 
in action!


Dale Dougherty ( 
Publisher, Global Network Navigator, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
103A Morris Street, Sebastopol, California 95472 
(707) 829-3762 (home office); 1-800-998-9938