NCSA httpd 1.0a3.1 released (Rob McCool)
Message-id: <>
From: (Rob McCool)
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1993 03:06:33 -0500
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
Subject: NCSA httpd 1.0a3.1 released

In my rush to get NCSA httpd 1.0a3 out the door, I neglected to notice a bug
in which symlinks that were files and not directories were followed
regardless of the FollowSymLinks option. A fix has been released as NCSA
httpd 1.0a3.1. A source patch is attached for those who are using the source
and do not want to get the entire package again.

Thanks for your patience.

The patch follows:

*** http_access.c.orig	Sun Oct 10 20:30:13 1993
--- http_access.c	Mon Oct 11 01:58:08 1993
*** 154,159 ****
--- 154,172 ----
+     if((!(opts[num_dirs-1] & OPT_SYM_LINKS))&&(!(S_ISDIR(finfo->st_mode)))) {
+            struct stat fi;
+            strcpy(d,path);
+            lstat(d,&fi);
+            if(!S_ISDIR(fi.st_mode)) {
+                 char errstr[MAX_STRING_LEN];
+                 sprintf(errstr,"httpd: will not follow link %s",d);
+                 log_error(errstr);
+                 *allow = 0;
+                 *allow_options = OPT_NONE;
+                 return;
+            }
+     }
      *allow = will_allow;