Worm WWW

decoux@moulon.inra.fr (ts)
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 93 12:45:59 +0100
From: decoux@moulon.inra.fr (ts)
Message-id: <9310031145.AA23644@moulon.moulon.inra.fr>
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: Worm WWW

New features for gateway WWW-ACEDB (WWWW)

 * Genetic, chromosomic, physical, features maps (ASCII or PostScript

    - If you want to retrieve a PostScript graphic, you MUST have a client
      1.0 which accept "application/postscript".  

    - server send PostScript colour graphic if "COLOUR" is defined in

    - features maps only if sequence length < 5000, because with a length of
      1 000 000 sequences "moulon.inra.fr" take approximately 30 seconds
      to calculate the map, 3 minutes to write a PostScript file (whole map
      = 15 pages) and size of result file is greater than 20 Mbyte for a
      whole map 

 * more "dumper" : keySet, DNA ("ace" dump), longText 

   At compile time, definitions for dump and display (map) functions are
read from "${ACEDB_SRC}/wspec/quovadis.wrm".  If you have modified this
file, you must adapt your functions for WWW (examples are given in
wwwgmapdisp.c, wwwpmapdisp.c, ...).

 * table maker file (command "table table_maker_def arg") : name of table
   maker definitions file are read from "${DATABASE}/wspec/table.menu.wrm".

 * server detect automatically if a map, bibliography or table maker file
is associated with the document.

 * For security reasons : 

    + All pathnames of table maker definitions files are relative to directory
      ${DATABASE}.  You can't put ".." in the pathname.  Example for : 

                Map_Data : wquery/map_data.1.def

      Pathname is "${DATABASE}/wquery/map_data.1.def".  

    + you can't prefix a command with $ (subshell) or @.  

    + isWriteAccess return always FALSE.  

 If all is well, source (only ANSI C) available Friday.

Guy Decoux