in the news (Marc Andreessen)
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 17:45:32 -0800
From: (Marc Andreessen)
Message-id: <>
Subject: in the news
I thought people on this list might like to see this... "Internet" was
of course Mosaic :-).


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Following is an article from the Champaign-Urbana "News-Gazette,"
10-27-93, p. B6. 

"Internet" Computer Network Unveiled

By ANNE COOK, News-Gazette Staff Writer

CHAMPAIGN -- Busey Bank Chairman Ed Scharlau today unveiled "Internet"
computer technology that puts the area instantly in touch with the
world.  "We're opening up a new entrance to Champaign Urbana on the
electronic highway," Scharlau told about 1,000 business and academic
leaders at his semi-annual economic seminar at the University of
Illinois Assembly Hall.

"Millions can access it by computer and get impressions about our
cities," he said.  "The railroads opened up the west, and electronic
highways will open up the world to a new frontier. Whole industries
will be destroyed, new ones born and productivity will leap."
University of Illinois supercomputing center director Larry Smarr has
championed the Internet cause locally, and has been joined by leaders
of Champaign County civic organizations who formed an "Infostructure"
committee last year to promote the program.

Internet began as a scientific network linking universities and
research facilities, but it's grown to a system that links 50
countries.  Scharlau said more than 20 million people use the system
and more than 100 million people are likely to do so in five years.
"From your home in a few years you will receive and send your mail,
make a phone or video call, send a fax, read your favorite magazine,
watch a movie," he said. "Kids will do research for school projects,
and they'll have electronic pen pals."  He demonstrated the
possibilities by calling on Ul Chancellor Michael Aiken to call up
from Honolulu Community College reference material about dinosaurs.

Lee O'Neill and Mike Henneman, co-chairmen of the Infostructure
Committee, showed off other system capabilities, O'Neill reviewing a
local business directory compiled especially for the occasion and
Henneman renewing his subscription to The News-Gazette electronically.
"This demonstration hopefully helped you understand how Champaign
County can become a 21st century community," Scharlau said. "In turn,
this tremendous new entranceway to our community should attract
innovative 21st century business and create millions of fans for the

He said some indicators suggest the area economy continues to be
healthier than average, citing a study by Restaurant Business that
suggests Champaign-Urbana and Honolulu have more in common than

The survey measured people's propensity to eat out. A score greater
than 100 indicated a greater-than-average propensity.
"Champaign-Urbana was the highest of all cities with a score of 204,"
Scharlau said. "Honolulu was next with 196. That's a combination of
having a major university here and tourism and visitors."  Among the
national statistics he cited:

* Inflation rates have averaged 2.5 percent so far in 1993 and are
  expected to average 3.5 percent next year.

* Interest rates for a 30-year Treasury bond that were 7.6 percent a
  year ago are now about 5.9 percent.

Among the local economic projections he made:

* Retail sales are expected to increase only slightly but sales in
  Rantoul and Urbana have held up well and a slump in those two cities
  may have bottomed out in 1992.

* Real estate sales in Champaign County may reach a record $196
  million in 1993 with 1,949 closed deals, but the average selling
  price seems likely to drop from about $77,000 in 1992 to $72,000
  this year.

* Agricultural output seems likely to drop about $1 million from last year.

Scharlau noted that Champaign-Urbana's educational opportunities, as
well as its restaurant activity, received national prominence.  "The
UI's C-U campus was ranked as the best buy in the Midwest by Money
Guide magazine," he said.  "In Money magazine, where C-U was rated 293
out of 300 communities, another article about finances said, send your
kid to the UI. That's one of our best assets."
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