HTML Standard (Guenther Fischer)
From: (Guenther Fischer)
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Subject: HTML Standard
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 16:45:57 +0100 (MET)
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To the www gurus:

I see some nive icons in Mosaic (inlined icons), but have no way to refer
to them from my documents. I mean such as for ftp or gopher URLs.

It would save much traffic over the lines if we could have a
standard set of icons on the client site I could refer from the server site
(I will say from the documents on a server).

My vote:

<IMG SRC=/INLINE/icon01.gif>

The path component INLINE is reserved to be interpreted by the clients.
If client found INLINE the next component is interpreted as one of
a welldefined set of icons - nothing to transfer.

If the client hasn't this feature he could transfer as till now. 
Because of that the server should have these "Standard-Icons" in the
INLINE directory too.

Could this be a area of standardization? - It would be so nice.

It could also help to get a "real" WWW look and feel ...

Name:      Guenther Fischer
Institute: TU Chemnitz, Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Phone:     0371 668 361