Re: CGI/1.0: last call (Rob McCool)
Message-id: <>
From: (Rob McCool)
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1993 19:58:17 -0600
In-Reply-To: (Ari Luotonen)
       "Re: CGI/1.0: last call" (Dec  4,  3:46pm)
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: (Ari Luotonen)
Subject: Re: CGI/1.0: last call
 * Re: CGI/1.0: last call  by Ari Luotonen (
 *    written on Dec  4,  3:46pm.
 * As for Location:, if the returned URL is not full, but has a #label
 * in the end, the server either has to do a redirection anyway, or
 * you'll have to mark this as illegal.

Good point. Since there may also be ? in the path, I think we should require
that people use a full URL if they want to send a # or ? in the file name.

 * Could you give me an example of PATH_INFO, PATH_TRANSLATED and
 * SCRIPT_NAME, if I have a request:
 * 	/htbin/script/foo/bar?a=b&c=d
 * I didn't fully understand them... Thanks!

I'll add examples to make things clearer. Anyway, to answer this particular
example, assume that you're using NCSA httpd and DocumentRoot is
/document_root, and that /htbin/script is the actual script to be executed.


To elaborate on PATH_TRANSLATED: This is the physical file that the server
would return if the client requested /foo/bar. For some servers, this may be
the same as PATH_INFO.

I'll add a complete example.
