Re: Additions to the CGI archive (Guenther Fischer)
From: (Guenther Fischer)
Message-id: <>
Subject: Re: Additions to the CGI archive
To: (Martijn Koster)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 14:31:44 +0100 (MET)
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sorry about the last one ... :-)
> - Did the discussion on built-in IMG's result into anything
>   for HTML+ ? If not, can we advance the discussion?
>   Altough the 'internal-gopher-binary works' fine for
>   Mosaic, I already find lots of problems in the logs, where 
>   people are trying to retrieve these images from my server.
>   Of course I can special-case for Mosaic, but I would be more
>   comfortable with a general solution.

YES - I`ve tried to contribute this with no response. The third try:

Inline images could be very nice. There should be a small set of
standardized images to give them to clients as well as to servers.

Clients could know and include them without tranfers. Servers should
have them at the server database - the name should be something like
IMG SRC=/inline/internal-gopher-binary

Then I can use this in my documents and I'm shure all clients
get them.

Such well defined images can also help to have a WWW look and feel.

At now the user see the fantasy of the document writer for such
simple things as icons to navigate or diectories or ...

Name:      Guenther Fischer
Institute: TU Chemnitz, Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Phone:     0371 668 361