WWW Conference URL

cailliau@www1.cern.ch (Robert Cailliau)
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Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 10:18:27 +0100
To: www-talk@www0.cern.ch, www-announce@www0.cern.ch
From: cailliau@www1.cern.ch (Robert Cailliau)
Subject: WWW Conference URL
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WWW94  --  First International Conference on the World-Wide Web

The Conference announcements and proceedings will be in the Web.
The URL is:


The information will be evolving; at this moment it is incomplete.
We intend to gather all contributions into the Web before the Conference.
Mail suggestions, contributions, remarks and questions to:


And: indicate clearly whether or not you allow us to put your abstract or
contribution into the Web. Not all contributions will be accepted to get
time slots at the conference! Accepted contributions will be put on by

Our best wishes for 1994, and may we meet in Geneva in May!

           Robert Cailliau
        World-Wide Web Project           | phone:  +41 22 767 5005
              C E R N                    | fax:    +41 22 767 8730
European Laboratory for Particle Physics | e-mail: cailliau@www1.cern.ch
         CH - 1211 Geneve 23             | diary:  http://www1.cern.ch/
           (Switzerland)                 |  CERN/Admin/Diaries/Robert.html