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amaag@eunet.ch (Andreas Maag)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 17:33:07 +0100
From: amaag@eunet.ch (Andreas Maag)
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To: www-talk@www0.cern.ch
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From jfg  Wed Jan 26 08:26:04 1994 remote from dxcern.cern.CH
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From: hrz.tu-chemnitz.de!guenther.fischer (Guenther Fischer)
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Subject: Re: Patch for NCSA httpd 1.1
To: robm@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Rob McCool)
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 08:12:36 +0100 (MET)
Cc: www-talk@www0.cern.ch
In-Reply-To: <9401260045.AA10556@void.ncsa.uiuc.edu> from "Rob McCool" at Jan 25, 94 06:45:21 pm
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> There is a slight bug in httpd 1.1 which will cause it to append an extra
> linefeed to the beginning of a compressed document. Rather than save a fix
> for 1.2, I'm just going update the distribution since I just put it out
> yesterday.
> If you already picked up a copy of httpd 1.1 and are using encoding, either
> pick up another binary from /Web/ncsa_httpd/current/bin, or, if you're using
> the source, apply the patch at the end of this message.

I was happy about the nice new features to index ftp archives directly
per http (AddIcon, ReadmeName, AddType, ...), but the uncompressing of
files like *.dvi.Z doeesn't work. Now I saw your patch and nothing
is better. In the sources now I found the 
AddEncoding x-compress Z
and now it works. Please put it in the sample srm.conf and in the
documents or is it there?


Name:      Guenther Fischer / Institute: TU Chemnitz, Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Phone:     0371 668 361     / mail:      fischer@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de
URL: <A HREF="http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/adressen/fischer.html"> me </A>