HTML convertor

Didier.Courtaud <>
Date: 03 Jan 94 09:15:45+0100
From: Didier.Courtaud <>
Message-id: <>
Subject: HTML convertor
Content-Length: 852
I am looking for a convertor from the SGML language produced by
the software "The Publisher" from ArborText, Inc. to HTML ?

Has someone already made such a convertor ?

                            Didier  COURTAUD

                     Graphical Applications Group Leader
                      Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique
                   Direction des Applications Militaires
                  Departement de Mathematiques Appliquees
              Service Architectures Informatiques et Methodes
                  94195 Villeneuve Saint Georges Cedex 

 Phone : (33 - 1) 45 95 67 07
 Fax   : (33 - 1) 45 95 95 55
 Email :