WWW "versus" gopher

Jay Glicksman <jay@eit.COM>
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From: Jay Glicksman <jay@eit.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list <www-talk@www0.cern.ch>
Subject: WWW "versus" gopher
X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
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At the current rate of growth, WWW use on the Internet will pass
gopher use (in both packet count and byte count) sometime during this
current month (or next month for sure). The raw statistics are below.

For a graphic view of the relative growth of various Internet services


Congratulations to the WWW community for developing a service so
widely used.

	Jay Glicksman

                    NSFNET Traffic Distribution Highlights

                             February 1994

 Service Name       Port  Rank Packet Count % Pkts  Rank   Byte Count  % Byts
 ============       ====  ==== ============ ======  ==== ============= ======
 gopher               70     9   1472386850  2.455     6  396066059800  3.470
 www                  80    11   1105399700  1.843     7  347503518500  3.044

                             January 1994

 Service Name       Port  Rank Packet Count % Pkts  Rank   Byte Count  % Byts
 ============       ====  ==== ============ ======  ==== ============= ======
 gopher               70     9   1383479450  2.502     5  374680912550  3.640
 www                  80    11    822317950  1.487     8  269129084100  2.614

                             December 1993

 Service Name       Port  Rank Packet Count % Pkts  Rank   Byte Count  % Byts
 ============       ====  ==== ============ ======  ==== ============= ======
 gopher               70     9   1148324150  2.191     6  309690082950  3.041
 www                  80    11    685153950  1.307     8  225443122450  2.213

                             November 1993

 Service Name       Port  Rank Packet Count % Pkts  Rank   Byte Count  % Byts
 ============       ====  ==== ============ ======  ==== ============= ======
 gopher               70     8   1121316450  2.104     6  291132949450  2.902
 www                  80    12    512805100  0.962     8  172339899050  1.718