simple example of how to retrieve raw HTML using libwww

Henry Minsky (
Sun, 6 Nov 1994 11:18:36 +0100

Hello Good People,

Am I the only one who finds the documentation on the CERN libwww
library less than useful? I am having a great deal of trouble figuring
out how to do something which should be very simple.

I want to use libwww to compose a request for a URL, and have it fill
buffer which contains the raw contents of the document (or image or
whatever). I also want to be able to examine the information returned
in the response header, about content length, location, etc, which I
presume will be neatly stored in the HTRequest structure.

Can anyone point me at a simple piece of source code that does what I
want? And please don't tell me to look at the CERN LineMode browser;
I have and it is really quite difficult for me to understand. There
must be a twenty line program that does what I want already??
