Re: Comments in media

Kevin Hughes (kevinh@eit.COM)
Wed, 30 Nov 1994 12:27:38 +0100

Joel Crisp ( writes:

> > * Make it easy for authors to create and change comments.
> I would prefer to see a dedicated field for copyright. Also, I would
> like to see provision for a PGP authenticated image format.
> ...

These sort of features would be nice too, but I'm trying to
focus on things that are simple to use and implement and can be done now.
That allows one to think about tools for the next generation...

> Check out netpbm. It is an image processing library with lots of
> functionality. It may well support this already ( and if not, it will
> be easy to modify to do it ).

It doesn't, but David's excellent tool will do most of what people
will need. It's rare to find a program that does interlacing while
preserving transparency in a batch job. The netpbm programs are not so
great for doing this.

> > * Make it easy for users to view comments.
> Most serious MS-Windows and UNIX photoshop type programs do this.

My point is that it should be easy for Web users to easily glean
copyright information in browsers. It points out the bad eggs quickly.

> Ummm. I'd generalise it to image information, and use field tagging in
> a data block to allow other field entries to be displayed. This would be
> ...

In design, my motto is: keep it simple.

> As Chris Lilley pointed out to me, this may not be the most appropriate list
> for this type of conversation.

My apologies if I confused people by putting too much emphasis
on the utility and philosophy and not the browser interface. Where is
an appropriate forum to discuss general browser issues so that developers
can hear them and offer their comments? (This list seemed to work great the
last time I did that... :)
Seriously, have things evolved to the point in which another
list would be appropriate?

-- Kevin

Kevin Hughes *
Enterprise Integration Technologies Webmaster (
Hypermedia Industrial Designer * Duty now for the future!