WWW4 Paper Submission [was: Questions about the 4th Int'l WWW Conference in Boston ] (fwd)

Lee Chen (lljchen@acs.ucalgary.ca)
Sat, 8 Jul 95 6:49:43 MDT


Thank you so much for reply my posting and help me understand the submission
procedures. I really appreciate your help.

I'll following the submission instructions in [3] right now.

Once again thank you very much.

Best regards,

> From: "Daniel W. Connolly" <connolly@beach.w3.org>
> In message <9507070312.AA84862@acs4.acs.ucalgary.ca>, "Lee Chen" writes:
> > I'm interested in submitting a
> >technical paper to the upcomping Fourth International World Wide Web Conferenc
> >e
> >in Boston. And I have some questions concerning the submission process.
> Funny you should say that. The submission system is just recently
> completely in place. Here's a little tour:
> We'll start at the home page for the conference[1]. Next, hop
> over to the call for papers[2]. Notice the note:
> |Note: If you INTEND to submit a paper please immediately indicate
> |your intention by filling out an online form[3]. This action will provide
> |further detailed instructions.
> Basically, you give the paper title and your email address. Then
> you get instructions about how to upload the paper and stuff,
> how it will be reviewed, and so on.
> Thanks to the folks at NASA GSFC[4] who put this system together!
> [1] Fourth International World Wide Web Conference
> http://www.w3.org/hypertext/Conferences/WWW4/
> [2] http://www.w3.org/hypertext/Conferences/WWW4/call-papers.html
> [3] WWW4: Intent to Submit
> Fri Jul 7 16:37:31 1995
> http://ednet.gsfc.nasa.gov/WWW4/intent.html
> [4] http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/NASA_homepage.html