HotFlash 2.29

HotFlash (
Fri, 28 Jul 1995 21:00:08 -0800

Yes, consider the source....but....this kind of major adoption will have
as much influence as giving free browsers to educational institutions.


----------------------------Original message----------------------------
HotFlash 2.29

Hello and welcome to HotFlash, the weekly newsletter of HotWired
and WIRED magazine events and information - 28 July 1995.

[lots deleted]

The Day the Web Exploded

28 April 1995 probably seemed like just another day to you. But in fact, it
was a day for the history books, witnessing the single largest recorded
increase in business use of the Web. That morning, 100,000 Hewlett-Packard
employees were wired into the Web, after HP turned on to Netscape as an
internal - as well as external - access tool. David Kline describes The Day
the Web Exploded in this week's Market Forces.

[another ton of stuff deleted]

This DOES have a bit of hype to it. HP has about 90,000 employees, not
the 100K listed. And, many HP folks have been using Netscape for months.
It is the official corporate rollout, and was the new goodie to some on
those dates. But the idea that most production line folks got any access,
or that very many used it for other than "official company business"
is pretty off base.

I'm not ever supposed to look at a fun page, but academic freedom and all
that....looking at a dirty picture at HP can be cause for dismissal, though
not usually on first offense.

And, yes, I'm married to an HP employee....


Dan Lester Internet:
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