Hotel Computer Science - Comments to Manual (Mar. 12, 1996)

The Hotel Computer ScienceTM

Comments to Booking System User Manual
of Acme Design Solutions

Tuesday March 19, 1996

Hotel CPSC Homepage
ACME Design Solutions Homepage
Booking System User Manual


We have reviewed the Hotel CPSC Booking System User Manual, as submitted by Acme Design Solutions on March 14, 1996. The User Manual was evaluated by separate teams, representing the areas of Front desk/Management, and Kitchen staff. Their comments are listed below.

One note about this document, we had our team members do imaginary runthroughs. We believe that if any of these people found a screen confusing it was worth mentioning even if other team members did not have similar difficulties. After all if these people, who were involved in the design process, had problems it is reasonable to assume that our staff would have similar problems.

General comments:

The illustrations in the user manual are helpful however our staff find some of the written explanations difficult to understand. At times the instructions are not detailed enough. One possible reason for this appears to be that a reader of this user manual is assumed to have read the detailed design document. It is also difficult to determine the relationships between the screens. We would like to have had some description of how events flow within the system. We would also like to see some description of what screens get used in what situations.

It would also have been helpful for our review of the manual if the index was functional. Although it provided an alphabetical list of system features, it failed to indicate where these features appeared in the document. In a hardcopy manual, page numbers are expected in an index, and for electronic media, links to the appropriate sections would have been appreciated.

Evaluation by Front Desk\Management Team:

Evaluation by Room Service Team