Virtual Realty Minimalist Manual (Mar. 12, 1996)

The Virtual Realty Database SystemTM

Version 1.0

User Manual

Created exclusively for PowerMax Realty by Twelve Monkeys Ltd.

Thursday March 14, 1996

Table of Contents
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1 Introduction to Virtual Realty

1.1 Overview of System

The Virtual Realty Database System is a powerful online househunting tool designed to give you easy access to view and maintain current real estate listings, as well as the associated realtor information. The system is a real estate catalogue designed to efficiently manage a large number of property listings. Virtual Realty will provide users with a convenient way to display information about listings, and give real-time exposure of listings to the whole market. A listing contains the following information:

Not all of the above information will be available to all users. The system is designed with four different types of users in mind: Buyers, Listing Realtors, Other Realtors, and Administrators. These are accommodated by three user modes: `Buyer Mode', `Realtor Mode', and `Administrator Mode'. The system dedermines if a realtor is the listing realtor for a particular listing by comparing the user's Logon ID with the information recorded under `Listing realtor' for that listing. For more information about logging on, see section 3.1 `Logging On'.

Figure 1: Main Search Screen in Buyer Mode

All users have the ability to search for rental or sale properties using any combination of the listing details shown above (except `Ref #'). If a search is performed without any options being selected, all listings in the database will be available in the `Search results' box on the screen. The more options that are selected, the shorter the list will be in the `Search results' box. For detailed instructions on how to perform a search, see section 4 `Performing a Listing Search'. Any listing selected from the list in the `Search Results' box can be viewed (see Section 4.2 `Viewing a Listing') in detail, and then printed (see `Printing a Listing' section 4.4), if desired.

When a search has been completed, the options can be reset to the defaults by clicking on the `Clear' button.

The remainder of the functions are not accessible in `Buyer Mode'.

Each listing has a unique `Reference No.'. If the reference number is known, the listing can be quickly located in Realtor Mode (if it has not been deleted from the database) by using the `Search by Reference Number' (section 4.1) function. This function is particularly useful for several reasons:

Just like its physical counterpart, the Virtual Realty database can accept new listings, and current listings can be modified or deleted. These can be done while in either `Realtor Mode' or `Administrator Mode', however listings can only be reassigned from one realtor to another realtor while in `Administrator Mode'.

Each listing is assigned one listing realtor. The listing realtor is the only user (other than the administrator) who can modify that listing, enter or view the listing realtor's comments and seller's information, or view the offers made on that listing. Any realtor or administrator can enter an offer on a listing.

Each realtor can modify only his or her own personal information, but an administrator can modify any employee's information, and add and delete employees.

1.2 Help

Help is available both dynamically and by clicking on the help button at the top of the screen. Passing the mouse pointer over active regions or buttons on the screen invokes the dynamic help function. Whenever the pointer moves over an entry field or a button on the screen, a description of its functionality is displayed in the help text window at the bottom of the screen.

If more detailed help is required, clicking on the `Help' button generates a pop-up window displaying a table of contents and an index searching function. The `Help' button is not available when another pop-up window is active, and is not available while in `Buyer Mode'.

There are four types of help available to the users of this system.

  1. Dynamic Help
  2. Normal Help
  3. User Manual Help
  4. Twelve Monkeys Help

2 Security

2.1 Access Modes

Each user of the Virtual Realty Database System will be assigned to one of the following groups: Buyer, Realtor, or Administrator. Members of the groups are granted appropriate database access privileges. When the application is started, the user will be required to log on by providing a Logon name (user ID) and password. From this, the system will be able to determine which group the user is a member of and enable or disable the appropriate system functions. The functions not available to a user will not even be visible. A user in `Buyer Mode' would not be aware that special realtor functions exist.

To prevent a realtor (using some means outside the application) from seeing the offers made on another realtor's listing, each realtor will be given his/her own offers table which only (s)he (and administrators) can access.

If an employee is to be temporarily denied access to the system, the administrator can change that employee's password (and reassign any associated listings). In this way the employee's record stays on the system and does not have to be reentered at a later date. It is not necessary for the administrator to know the employee's password to change it.

Figure 2: Change Password is accessed only through Administrator Mode

Finally, to prevent someone from determining the contents of the database file by direct inspection, the file will be encrypted.

3 Accessing/Exiting Program

3.1 Logging On

To access the Virtual Realty Database System from Windows, the user clicks on either the `VR Logon' icon or the `VR Buyer' icon, depending on the mode of access desired. If the system is to be used by buyers, the `VR Buyer' icon is used. Since no information in the database can be modified while in `Buyer Mode', no logon ID or password is required. The system opens to the main search screen.

If the user needs to be in `Realtor Mode', or `Administrator Mode', the `VR Logon' icon is used. The `Logon' pop-up window appears on the screen. A `Logon name' and corresponding `Password' must be entered correctly to access the system. Each employee is assigned a unique logon name (ID), and password by the administrator. The employee can change his/her own password under `Change Personal Information'. In the event that an employee forgets his/her password, the administrator can assign a new password under `Add/Modify Employee'.

If the user clicks on the `Cancel' button in the `Logon' window, the program is closed, and the user is returned to the windows screen.

Figure 3: Logon Pop-up Window

To log in:

  1. click on `VR Logon' icon - the `Logon' pop-up window will appear on the screen
  2. key in logon name, or click on `Cancel' to exit
  3. tab to password block
  4. key in your password
  5. press `Enter' (or `Return') key on keyboard
If an invalid logon name or password is entered, an error dialogue window appears, informing the user that the information entered was not valid. The user clicks on `OK' and the `Logon' window is redisplayed. When a correct logon name and password are entered, the system determines which group the user is a member of, and displays the main search screen window. If the user is a member of the realtor group, the `Realtor' pulldown menu is also present. If the user is a member of the administrator group, both the `Realtor' and `Administrator' pulldown menus are also present.

Figure 1: Main Search Screen in Administrator Mode showing administrator's pulldown menu bar

At this point the system is now up and running and ready to go.

3.2 Logging Off

There are three different ways to logoff (or exit) the system from `Realtor Mode' or `Administrator Mode':
  1. click on `Realtor' in the menu bar and then click on `Exit' from the `Realtor' pulldown menu; or
  2. press the key combination Alt+Space, then selecting `Close' from the menu displayed; or
  3. double-click on the system menu button (the small horizontal bar in the top left corner of the screen). This will select the `Close' option automatically.
Each of these methods return the user to the main windows screen.

If the user was in `Buyer Mode', the right mouse button is clicked in each of the four corners of the screen, starting with the top left corner, and moving in a counter-clockwise direction. If this sequence is not followed, control is given back to the main search screen. This sequence can be changed by the system administrator, to ensure ongoing security. This prevents buyers from accidentally closing the application.

4 Performing a Listing Search

The search facility is used for finding listings in the database which match a user's preferences. It is the only major facility in the system to which every class of user has access. Accordingly, its use should be simple and intuitive. A user will give all of the criteria (options) by which to specify the search and then press the `Search' button, and all listings matching those options will be displayed. Once a set of search results has been selected in this way, each member of that set can be examined for more detail.

4.1 Setting and Changing Search Options:

There are five different kinds of search options:

  1. Radio button options, i.e. `Rent/Buy'
  2. Check box options, i.e. `NW/NE/SW/SE' boxes
  3. Simple pull-down options, i.e. `Style', `Garage' and `Basement:Yes/No'
  4. Complex pull-down options, i.e. `Price', `Sq. Feet', `Age', `Lot Size'
  5. Special options for Realtor and Administrator modes,

Figure 4: Main Search Screen showing available search options

How to specify a set of search options:

  1. Remember that all search criteria are optional. If you are not interested in the particular option (say, it does not matter to you how many bathrooms there are in the listings you are searching for) then you do not have to specify that particular option. For example, if you do not choose any options, all the listings in the database will be sent to the `Search Results' list box after the `Search' button is clicked.
  2. Remember also that you do not have to specify these options in this particular order, but price is dependant on whether you are looking to rent or buy.
  3. Select a price range from the `Price' complex pull-down option.
  4. Select a property area range from the `Sq. Feet' complex pull-down option.
  5. Select a style (e.g. bungalow, duplex, apartment) from the `Style' simple pull-down option.
  6. Select the number of bedrooms in the properties from the `Bedrooms' simple pull-down option.
  7. Select the number of garage parking spots in the properties from the `Garage' simple pull-down option.
  8. Select the range of ages of the properties from the `Age' simple pull-down option.
  9. Select the range of lot sizes of the properties from the `Lot Size' complex pull-down option.
  10. Select the type of basement you want from the `Basement' simple pull-down option.
  11. Select whether or not you want to rent or buy properties from the `Rent/Buy' radio button option (then select price range if desired).
  12. Select in which quadrants you wish to search from the `NW/NE/SW/SE' click box options.
In Realtor and Administrator modes only, you have the following additional options available to you: Conducting Your Searches:

Once you have specified all the options for your search, you are ready to actually to make your search request.

If you want to clear all your search options:

4.2 Viewing a Listing:

After completing a search, your search results will appear in the upper right portion of the search window. Each listing will be represented by a line in the list. The first listing will be displayed in detail on the bottom of the screen. To select another listing to view,
  1. Click on the up arrow on the scroll bar on the right of the `Search Results' list box to scroll the listing upward.
  2. Click on the down arrow on the scroll bar on the right of the `Search Results' list box to scroll the listing downward.
  3. Drag the thumb on the scroll bar on the right of the `Search Results' list box to scroll the listing in the direction of the drag.
  4. Click on the listing you wish to view in the `Search Results' list box.

Once you have selected a listing in the `Search Results' list box, information on that listing will appear in the bottom of the window. If you wish to view a different listing, repeat the above procedure.

4.3 Viewing Seller Information:

A realtor can view information about a seller/owner for a listing that "belongs" to her.


  1. Find the listing you want to see seller information for. View the listing from the search screen. To view seller information for a particular listing, the listing must appear on the search screen.
  2. Click on the "Realtor" pulldown menu.
  3. Click on "Add/Modify Listing". A pop-up window will appear.
  4. Click "View Seller Info". A pop-up window will appear.


4.4 Printing a Listing:

  1. Select a listing from the `Search Results' list box so that its information is displayed in the bottom of the search window.
  2. Click the `Print' button.

5 Changing Listings

When in Realtor or Administrator mode, the functions of adding or modifying listings are available from the Realtor pull-down menu on the main search screen.

Figure 5: Main Search Screen showing Realtor Menu

5.1 Inserting a New Listing:

A realtor can insert a new listing into the database. When the realtor inserts the listing, the listing "belongs" to that realtor.

Figure 6: Add/Modify a Listing


  1. Click on the "Realtor" pulldown menu.
  2. Click on "Add/Modify Listing". A pop-up window will appear.
  3. Select the check box "Add Listing". The fields should be blank after you do this.
  4. Fill in the information on the pop-up window.
  5. Click on `View Seller Info' to add information about the current owners of the listing.
  6. Click on `Browse Picture' to select a picture file to associate with the listing. This picture file must exist in the system already.
  7. Click on `Save' to save the new listing to the database or click on `Cancel' to cancel the operation.
Virtual Realty automatically assigns a reference number to a new listing. It is up to the realtor to ensure that she does not enter the same listing in twice.

Figure 7: Modify Seller Information. Accessed via `Add/Modify Listing'

5.2 Modifying a Listing:

A realtor can modify a listing in the database. A realtor can only modify a listing that "belongs" to her.


  1. Find the listing to be modified by searching for it. View the listing from the search screen. To modify any listing, it must appear on the search screen.
  2. Click on the `Realtor' pulldown menu.
  3. Click on `Add/Modify Listing'. A pop-up window will appear.
  4. Select the check box `Modify Listing'. This box is by set by default when the pop-up window appears.
  5. Change the appropriate information in the pop-up window. (eg. as in `Add a new listing')
  6. Click on `Save' to save the modified listing to the database or click on `Cancel' to cancel the operation.

5.3 Deleting a Listing:

A realtor can delete a listing from the database. A realtor can only delete a listing if that listing "belongs" to her.


  1. Find the listing to be deleted by searching for it. View the listing from the search screen. To delete any listing, it must appear on the search screen.
  2. Click on the `Realtor' pulldown menu.
  3. Click on `Add/Modify Listing'. A pop-up window will appear.
  4. Click on `Delete'. The listing is now deleted from the database.
To recover a deleted listing from the database, the system administrator must recover the listing from the tape backup. There is no facility to undo the delete listing operation.

5.4 Reassigning a Listing:

An administrator can reassign the listings from one realtor to another. A realtor's individual listings can be reassigned:
  1. individually to new realtors; one listing at a time
  2. all listings reassigned to a single new realtor

Figure 8: Reassign Listings

To reassign one or more listings from one realtor to another:

  1. click on the `Administrator' pull down menu
  2. click on `Reassign Listings' - a pop-up window will appear
  3. select the realtor you want to reassign from in one `Realtor' box by clicking on the down arrow next to that box
  4. select the realtor you want to assign to in the other `Realtor' box
  5. repeat this process until all reassignments are complete.
  6. click on the `Close' button when finished reassigning listings
The database will immediate reflect the change to listing realtor.

6 Listing Realtor's Comments

6.1 Viewing the Listing Realtor's Comments

In realtor mode, if a realtor or administrator would like to view additional information concerning a listing that is currently displayed in the bottom half of the screen, then the realtor or administrator would select 'Comments' from the 'Realtor' menu. This additional information includes realtors' comments about the listing that buyers should not see - for example, "neighbors say this house is haunted". Of course, the system must be in realtor or administrator mode for the realtor or administrator to be able to select 'Comments' from the 'Realtor' menu. Thus a buyer is incapable of viewing the comments on a listing. After 'Comments' is selected from the 'Realtor' pull down menu, a dialogue box showing the comments will pop up. Here is how it works:

  1. Click on 'Comments' from the 'Realtor' pull-down menu.
  2. Click on 'OK' to close the 'Comments' box.

Figure 9: Listing Comments hidden from guest mode

6.2 Adding the Listing Realtor's Comments

When adding a listing, a realtor can add comments about that particular listing. These comments can only be accessed by another realtor.

Figure 15:Agent information

6.3 Locating the Listing Realtor

To locate the listing realtor for the listing displayed on the screen (while in Realtor or Administrator mode),
  1. click on the 'Realtor' pulldown menu
  2. click on 'Agent info' - the listing realtor's information is displayed in a pop-up window
  3. click on 'OK' when done

7 Offers on Listings

7.1 Make An Offer

The `Make an Offer' menu selection allows a realtor to enter an offer for a property.

Figure 10: Make an Offer

7.2 Display Offers

The `Display Offers' menu selection allows the listing realtor of a property to display all offers for a property.

If a realtor wants to display the offers for a listing that is not displayed on the screen (s)he must:

  1. Enter the listing reference number in `Ref #'
  2. Click on `Search' button - the detailed information is displayed
  3. Click on `Realtor' pulldown menu. (Alt-r)
  4. Click on `View Offers' (v or use up/down keys) - `Offers' pop-up window is displayed
  5. Click on `OK' to return to search screen

Figure 11: View the Offers on a Listing

8 Employee Information

While an employee can change his/her own personal information, the administrator has access to two extra functions in the Administrator pull-down menu. These functions are the 'Reassign Listing' and 'Add/Modify Employee'.

Figure 12: Main Search Screen showing Administrator Menu

8.1 Changing Personal Information

The `Personal Info' menu selection allows a realtor to modify his or her personal information, including:

Figure 13: Change Personal Information

If a realtor wishes to modify his/her personal information then (s)he must:

8.2 Add/Modify Employee

The `Add/Modify Employee' menu selection allows an administrator to modify the personal information stored about each employee, including:

Figure 14: Add/Modify Employee Information

If an administrator wishes to modify employee information then (s)he must:

Note: If a user wants to use the shortcut keys then they will be shown below in brackets beside the steps.

  1. Click on `Administrator' pulldown menu. (Alt-a)
  2. Click on `Add/Modify Employee'. (A or use up/down arrows)
  3. Add / Modify Employee

Note: Field Requirements

  1. name: up to 20 char, case insensitive
  2. password: up to 14 chars, case sensitive

    for both name and password
    - / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? * are invalid

  3. access level: must be selected from the listbox
  4. phone number: (403)555-5555 must include area code
  5. pager number: (403)555-5555 must include area code
  6. fax number: (403)555-5555 must include area code
  7. email address: strings up to 255 char
  8. street: strings up to 255 char
  9. city: strings up to 255 char
  10. postal code: a1b c2d (exactly like that)

Note: Error Handling

  1. Invalid data in any particular field:
  2. Minimal required fields:

9 Limitations

  1. Search on sellers - as the system is currently set up, each listing is associated with a seller. For a user to view seller information, the ONLY way is to find a listing for the property the seller owns, modify the listing, then click "View Seller Info". This is perhaps not very elegant.

  2. Cannot modify or delete offers made for listings.

  3. The system does not keep track of potential buyers.

  4. The way to quit from the 'buyer' mode is to click on four active secret areas. Kids, for example, may get to know this by observation and therefore be able to shut down the system prematurely. However, exiting from buyer mode without a keyboard does have it's difficulties, and this is the best solution to logging out that we could think of at this time.

  5. The buyer cannot enter in a reference code for a search. However, for a buyer to enter a reference code, a keyboard would be needed and we thought it would be a better interface for buyers if they were only faced with using a mouse and not a keyboard.

  6. Our customers wanted some way in which a listing could be removed from a search. For example, if the same listing keeps appearing after doing multiple searches, a customer may want to delete this listing from appearing in search after search. Unfortunately, we have not been able to implement this.

10 Index