Manual For
CSO Inventory System
ii) Stocker Window
iii) Personnel Window
iv) Product Window
Inventory Management
a) Choosing a Department
b) Adding an item
c) Selecting an item
d) Changing an item information
e) Deleting an item
vi) Archive (coming soon)
VI) Additional Help
The CSO Inventory System was custom made for the CSO and their Central Warehouse. The delivered product consists of two distinct database systems, or modules.
The Collective Supermarket Owners Inventory Module is a sophisticated database system to be used at each of the CSO supermarket outlets. The module includes:
The Warehouse Inventory Module:
The Warehouse Inventory Module is designed with minimal complexity. The Warehouse module permits a simplistic approach for efficiently filling orders, printing lading forms, and sending the final invoice.
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This user manual provides the necessary instructions for using both modules of the CSO Inventory System. Users are assumed to have a basic understanding of their computer hardware and operating system. Furthermore, it is assumed that the user understands the basic terminology associated with modern graphical user interface systems such as button, mouse, cursor, scroll bar, list box, etc...
First time users of the CSO Inventory System must consult their Information Systems Representative to be given access to the system before starting. The System Representative will provide new users with a unique login name and a personal security password. It is strongly recommended that all first time users read the section titled Getting Started before proceeding further.
Individual employees will be given different access privileges based on the employee's responsibilities. The Information Systems Representative or company supervisor must inform all users of their security access privileges.
System functions for which the user has access privileges will remain functional, while system functions for which the user has no privilege will appear grayed out. Grayed out functions will cause no action when activated, so employees need not be concerned about accidentally pressing these buttons.
The remaining sections of this manual contain simple instructions explaining how to perform each type of employee task. It is recommended that employees take a hands on approach to using the CSO Inventory System. The instructions in this guide are to be used interactively to "walk" the employee through the task in question.
* To ensure system security, the final product will include separate user manuals for each employee category; cashier/stocker, department manager, and head manager. These user manuals are essentially the same as this guide with instructions for unprivileged tasks omitted. The online system manual will also provide this restricted access security feature.
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All employees will see the Main Duty Menu window once the CSO Inventory System is launched. The menu includes buttons for accessing the system interfaces (or windows) for all duties associated with CSO grocery inventory management. When the system is first launched all buttons will be "grayed" out except for the "Login" button, where text will appear black. These grayed out buttons will not respond when clicked on. This is because the user has to login and get authorization by the system before being able to access the other functions.
In order to access other functions in the CSO inventory system, the employee must first log themselves into the system by first clicking on the "Login" button. Once the button is pressed a window will appear for the employee to enter their unique login name.
The employee enters their login name, followed by their password in the entry boxes provided. The entry boxes are located immediately below the words 'Login' and 'Password'. Finally, clicking on the "OK" button at the bottom of the Login Window will start the authorization process.
If the employee has entered an invalid login name or login password, a simple warning message will appear. The employee will have the opportunity to login two more times. If the employee fails to login, the login window will disappear, and the screen will continue to sit idle, just as before.
Once an employee has successfully logged onto the CSO Inventory System the login window will disappear. The Main Duty Menu will remain (as always) prominently displayed in the terminal screen. All functions which the employee has access to will become available.
ii) Changing Password for a User
If an employee decides to change his/her password for any reason, they can click on the "Change Password" button from the Main Duty Menu. A box will then display a prompt, asking for the new password. The user then inputs the old password (for authorization purposes) and the new password in two seperate boxes (to ensure the employee input the correct password he intended to use), then clicks on "OK" to confirm the change or "Cancel" to abort the operation.
iii) Logging out of the System
When an employee has finished using the CSO inventory system, they must go through the process of logging out otherwise the whole system may become vulnerable to unauthorized access. An employee may logout any time by pressing the "logout" button from the Main Duty Menu. Then all buttons will grayed out again and sitting idle waiting for login again. If an employee is currently having some windows open on the screen, the system will exit them all before logout.
However, if any of the open windows has information that has not been saved, the system will confirms the logout process with the employee by display a message box and ask for confirmation before to do so. If the user click on "Logout", the system will logout immediately. Or the employee can click on "Cancel" to cancel the logout process.
There is an additional function in each interface to allow an employee to "freeze" the terminal. Freezing the terminal will keep the state of their current work. The employee must use the login function to "un-freeze" the terminal. When the employee logs back in after freezing the terminal they may resume their work where they left off. On the other hand, when an employee logs off the system they will lose the current state of their work. Refer to the section "Using the 'Freeze Terminal' Button from any window" for more detail on the use of this function.
When an employee presses the "Freeze Terminal" button, the functionality of all open windows is frozen. All of the buttons will become grayed out except for the "Login" button.
To return the window to a normal operating state the employee must press the "login" button from the Main Duty Menu. This function is particularly useful for an employee who must leave the terminal abruptly, without finishing their current task.
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This section of the manual deals with the tasks performed on the cashier window. All cashiers and managers will be able to see this window at the point of sale terminals.
The tasks that can be performed in this window are:
All these tasks can be easily performed simply using a mouse and a keyboard.
If you haven't read the section on how to log onto the system, you may read it now.
Click here to see the cashier window.
When an item is sold the products item code or bar code is entered in their respective windows. For the item code, drag the mouse over to the box under the words "Item code", and click once in the box. This will allow you to type in a product code. Another method, is to click the mouse over the down arrow in the Item code box. A list of product codes will appear. Click on the code that you want and that code will appear in the Item code box. If the product code exists in the database, the name of the product and the price will appear in their respective boxes.
The next step is to enter the quantity of the product. To do this drag the mouse pointer over to the "Quantity" box and click in the box. Now type in a number, and hit the enter key. The "Price * Quantity" box should now contain the total price for that amount of the product. The last step is to click on the "Sale" button. This will add the item to the window on the right side of the screen. All the items that are part of the sale will be listed in this window.
For example, lets run through the process for entering a specific product. Lets assume this product is a no name detergent, and its item code is 5.
That is all there is to entering an item for sale.
b) Entering an item for refund
Click here to see the cashier window.
To give a refund, the only data needed is the item code. Drag the mouse pointer over to the Item code box and click in the box. Enter in the code number and hit the enter key. The price and name of the item will be displayed in their respective boxes.
Next, you enter how many of the product is refunded in the Quantity box (for instructions on how to do this see above). The next step is to click the Refund button. This will then display the name of the item in the window next to the button.
For example, let us use the product from section i).
c)Canceling a Sale/Refund item
Click here to see the cashier window.
This window will allow you to delete an item from the list of items window. The process is a simple one. Just move the mouse pointer over the name of the item in the list and click it. The item name should be highlighted. Next click on the Delete button. A box will appear asking you if you really want to delete the item. If you do, click on the Yes button, else click on the No button. If Yes is selected the item will be deleted from the list.
For example, let us use the example from section i).
This process can be used to delete items from both the refund and the sales list.
Click here to see the cashier window.
This section deals with the finishing of a sales transaction. When you have finished adding all the items to the sales list, just click on the Done button. The total for all the items will be display in the Total box, the tax will be displayed in the Tax box, and the total plus tax is displayed in the Total + Tax box.
For example, we will use the example from section i) again.
That is all there is to finalizing a sale. Now you can print out the receipt.
Click here to see the cashier window.
This section deals with the ending of a transaction, by printing a receipt. When you have finished with your transaction, all that is left to do is to click on the Print button and a receipt will be printed.
For example, we will use the example from section 4.
This can be done for both the sales and refund transactions.
Click here to see the cashier window.
This section deals with security of the window and exiting the window. When you want to stop using the window, you have a choice of locking up the screen or exiting from it completely.
To lock up the screen just click on the Freeze Terminal button. This will prevent anyone from making changers to the window. The only way to get back to the window is to type in your password.
To exit the window completely, just click on the the "X" button at the upper right hand corner of the screen. This will bring you back to the Main Menu, where you can logout (see logging out) or choose another window.
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Click here to see the stocker window.
c) Confirming the amount received
Click here to see the stocker window.
Click here to see the stocker window.
Click here to see the stocker window.
Click here to see the stocker window.
Adding a department can only be done by the head manager, as he/she is the only person with authorization to access all departments within the CSO Inventory system.
Click here to see the personnel window.
Only the head manager will be able to select any department within the CSO Inventory system. For department managers the personnel screen will only display employees from his/her department.
Click here to see the personnel window.
A department can only be deleted by the head manager, as he/she has sole authorization to access all departments within the CSO inventory system.
Click here to see the personnel window.
A department manager may add a new employee to his/her department, while the head manager may add employees to any department. The head manager must choose the desired department first.
Click here to see the personnel window.
The head manager may select an employee from any department by selecting a department first, while the department manager can only select an employee from his/her department.
f) Changing Employee Information
Click here to see the personnel window.
The head manager may change employee information of any employee, while the department manager can only change employee information within his/her department.
g) Changing Employee Security Clearance
Click here to see the personnel window.
This function can only be done by the head manager, as he/she has sole authorization to set security levels for any employee. Furthermore, a department manager may add a new employee for his/her department, but the head manager must set that employees security.
Click here to see the personnel window.
The Head manager may delete an employee from any department by first choosing the desired department, then following the instructions below. The department manager can only delete an employee within the department.
Click here to see the personnel window.
Click here to see the table of contents.
Inventory Management is necessary to allow department managers to have full control over the information pertaining to each, and all products in that department.
Note: The General Manager has the authority to control the attributes of products in any department.
The following functions were created to serve the needs of a manager, throughout the process of inventory management:
Click here to see the product window.
The dialog box titled "Department" is located in the upper left corner of the window. This is used to select departments. To select a department click, and hold the left mouse button on the pull down menu button. A list of departments will pop up. Keep the mouse button pressed, and move the cursor onto the department you wish to select. Release the mouse button. You should see a list of products for the selected department in the Inventory List box.
Click here to see the product window.
You may add an item to the list of inventory for the currently selected department by entering all of the details about the item in the item description dialog boxes.
Note: When adding a product, the Amount on hand, and Amount on order boxes are to be left blank.
Item description dialog boxes:
ii) Product Code - Each item must be given a unique product code. Example: "prdc15003"
iii) Bar Code - Each item has it's own bar code. The initial version of this software will require that you manually enter this. Later versions will include the ability to select the dialog box, and scan a bar code with a bar code reader.
iv) Price - The price per unit of product.
v) Min - This indicates the amount of product on hand that will trigger an order. For example setting this to 50 indicates that when the inventory count drops to 50, the system should order more product.
vi) Max - This indicates the maximum amount of product to be kept on hand. For example setting this to 100 indicates to the system that it should not allow orders which cause the product to exceed a count of 100. Note: This can be over-ridden my the general manager.
vii) Location - The two boxes, Aisle, and Section indicate where this item is to be stocked. This information is shown to the stockers, when an order arrives. You may either enter these two values manually, or use the pull down menu buttons to select existing locations.
Click here to see the product window.
To select an item from the Inventory List, move the mouse cursor on to the desired item, then click, and release the left mouse button. The item will be highlighted, and information about the item will appear in the item description dialog boxes.
d) Changing an items information
Click here to see the product window.
After selecting an item you may change item information by editing the information contained within the individual item description dialog boxes.
Click here to see the product window.
After selecting an item you may delete it by clicking the left mouse button on the Delete Inventory Item button.
here to see the product window.
Ordering is done both by the system, when a product count reaches it's minimum, and by managers. When an order is submitted, it awaits approval from the head manager. Only after the general manager authorizes an order is it relayed to the warehouse.
Note: After a fixed amount of time the system will relay unauthorized orders to the warehouse automatically.
Click here to see the product window.
Move the mouse cursor to New order and click.
Click here to see the product window.
To select an order move the mouse cursor on to the pull down menu button click, and hold the left mouse button. A list of order numbers will pop up. Keep the button pressed, and move the cursor on to the desired order number. Release the mouse button. You will see a list of items displayed in the box below.
Click here to see the product window.
Select an item from the Inventory List and click the large Add button located between the Inventory List box and the "Items on Order" box. The item will now appear in the "Items on Order" box. A number will appear in the Amount to Order box, located below the Items on Order box. Modify this number to suit your need. Repeat these steps until all desired items are listed in the Items on Order box, then click the Done Button.
j) Removing an item from an order
Click here to see the product window.
Select an item, then click on the Remove from Order button.
Click here to see the product window.
Before an order is authorized, the general manager has the option of modifying it slightly. The general manager then simply clicks the authorize button.
Click here to see the product window.
To submit the order, and leave the window press the Done button.
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b) Receiving an order from any CSO grocery store outlet
The process is automatic. Orders are received from the CSO grocery store outlets electronically. Records are updated instantaneously each time an order is submitted from a grocery store outlet. Batch orders are submitted daily, while special orders may be submitted at any time.
c) Selecting an order to be filled, or confirmed
Click here to see the warehouse window.
d) Selecting an Item from the listbox "items"
Click here to see the warehouse window.
e) Indicating the actual amount sent for an order item
Click here to see the warehouse window.
Click here to see the warehouse window.
Click here to see the warehouse window.
Once the lading form returns to the Warehouse from the grocery store outlet the employee must print the final invoice.
h) Exiting the Warehouse System
Click here to see the warehouse window.
Notice that there is no clearly marked exit button for this system. This is due to the fact that the terminal is dedicated to Warehouse Inventory Control. To exit the system follow the standard procedure for "quitting" as per the specific operating system used. (eg. mac application, select quit from the pull down menu labeled "File").
10th Level Solutions is committed to customer satisfaction. There are several options for you to obtain further help with the CSO Inventory System.
Warranty Service:
For assistance with product implementation:
Post Warranty Service:
For assistance any time after the warranty period:
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