Publication Home Delivery System
User Manual
Using the System
- Overview
- Customers
- Overview of the "Customers" screens functionality
- Adding a new customer
- Deleting a customer
- Editing customer information
- Suspend delivery to a customer
- Searching for a customer
- Publications
- Overview of the "Publications" screens functionality
- Adding a new publication
- Deleting a publication
- Editing publication information
- Searching for a publication
- Carriers
- Overview of the "Carriers" screens functionality
- Adding a new carrier
- Deleting a carrier
- Editing carrier information
- Searching for a carrier
- Routes
- Overview of the "Routes" screens functionality
- Adding a new route
- Deleting a route
- Editing route information
- Searching for a route
- Generating a Printout
Error Handling
- General Error/Confirmation messages
- information has been changed but not saved
- confirmation to exit
- confirmation to delete
- confirmation to save
- Specific Error/Confirmation messages
- customer information not completed
- publication information not completed
- carrier information not completed
- unable to delete carrier - carrier is still assigned a route
- route information not completed
- unable to delete route - route is still assigned a carrier
- no publication selected
- no route selected
- Customers
- Overview
- Adding a New Customer
- Editing Customer Information
- Searching for a Customer
- Publications
- Overview
- Adding a New Publication
- Deleting a publication
- Editing Publication Information
- Searching for a Publication
- Carriers
- Overview
- Adding a new carrier
- Deleting a Carrier
- Editing/Viewing Carrier Information
- Adding a Carrier to a Route
- Removing a Carrier from a Route
- Searching for a Carrier
- Routes
- Overview
- Adding a New Route
- Searching and Editing Route Information
- Printing Routes
Appendix A
- Figure 1.1 - Customer new screen
- Figure 1.2 - Customer edit screen
- Figure 1.3 - Customer search screen
- Figure 2.1 - Publication new screen
- Figure 2.2 - Publication edit screen
- Figure 2.3 - Publication search screen
- Figure 3.1 - Carrier new screen
- Figure 3.2 - Carrier edit screen
- Figure 3.3 - Carrier search screen
- Figure 4.1 - Route new screen
- Figure 4.2 - Route edit screen
- Figure 4.3 - Route search screen
- Figure 4.4 - Route print screen
Appendix B
Welcome to the Publications Home Delivery System, which has been made to make the routine tracking of your customers, publications, routes, and carriers much easier than ever before. This system provides an easy method of looking for and entering any information you would need on a day to day basis, designed specifically for you in a graphic environment.
The Publications Home Delivery System (PHDS) provides access to the database that holds all of the information you need. It can let you add, delete, or change information about a single customer, using a simple and generalized interface so that once you've learned how to do one thing, you've also learned most of the system! The PHDS can also search for your customers, with the number of people found changing as you make your search more precise.
You can also create new routes, add new carriers, or add a whole new publication to your stores of information, all starting with the click of a button! And changing the information is just as easy.
The Guide you see before you was created to "show you the ropes," giving you the information you need to get started, and keep going with this system. It includes walkthroughs of common things you might want to do, as well as graphic pictures of what you will expect to see. There are lists of errors you may encounter along with explanations and directions on how to solve them. For your convenience, you'll find in our Glossary most unfamiliar terms defined for you, making things still easier to use.
So what are you waiting for? It's time to get started with the PHDS, and to advance your deliveries to a new level.
Using the System
The Publication Home Delivery System (PHDS) consists of five main sections. They are Customers, Publications, Carriers, Routes, and Billing.
In the Customers section existing customers' personal and delivery information can be searched, modified or removed from the system. New customers can also be added to the system in this section.
In the Publication section information of currently available newspapers or magazines can be searched, modified or removed from the system. New publications that are about to become available to customers can be added to the system in the Publication section. Carriers are the people who deliver newspapers and magazines to the customers. The Carriers section keeps track of all carriers and the routes that are assigned to them. Carriers information can be searched, modified or removed from the system. New carriers can also be added to the system within the Carriers section.
Similar to Customers, Publications and Carriers sections, Routes information can be searched, modified or removed from the system in the Routes section. New routes can also be added to the system in the Route section. In addition printouts which contain route name, carrier information and publications received by the customers in the route can be generated in this section.
Billing section is not implemented in this version of PHDS.
The PHDS starts up with the Customers section initially. Switching to a different section can be done by clicking the appropriate tab on the right side of the screen. On the top of the screen is the button bar. The three radio buttons 'New', 'Edit' and 'Search' indicate the current mode of each screen. The default is search mode. The 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons are greyed-out in search mode. An extra 'Print' radio button is in the Routes section for generating printouts. Online help and program termination are available in any mode by clicking the 'Help' and 'Quit' button respectively. Details of how each section functions are described below.
Overview of the "Customers" screens functionality
When the program is first initiated or the user selects the Customers tab, the default screen that appears is the Customer Search screen (see Figure 1.3). The "Customers" tab becomes highlighted indicating that the user is in the Customers interface. The "Search" radio button, located on the button bar, is highlighted to indicate that the program is in search mode. Note that a new tab can only be selected from search mode.
The search screen is divide into two sections, Customer Information, and Customers List. The Customer Information section contains eight fields, which include Surname, Given Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Route Name, and Phone Number. It is important to point out that the Province and Route Name fields use pull down menus to list the available provinces and route names respectively. For the Province field, the user is required to make a single selection from the listed provinces by clicking on the desired province. The selected province then appears in the field. In a like manner for the Route Name field, the user is required to make a single selection from the listed route names by clicking on the desired route. The selected route then appears in the field. Note, routes can be added to or deleted from the pull down menu by way of the Routes interface discussed below.
The Customers List section contains a list box which displays customers found in a search of the data base. Located below the Customers List box is an additional button, "New Search". When the button is pushed, all the fields in the Customer Information section are cleared and the Customers List is reset, hence allowing the user to perform a new search.
At the top of the screen we find the button bar. This bar contains a total of eight buttons, three circular and five rectangular. The three circular buttons indicate the current mode (New, Edit, or Search) and allow the user to change to any one of the modes. Of the five rectangular buttons only three are available for use in the Customer Search Screen. They are "Delete", "Help", and "Quit". The two greyed-out buttons, "Save" and "Cancel", are not used in this screen.
In addition to the Customer Search Screen there are two other screens that pertain to the Customers section. They are Customer New Screen (see Figure 1.1)and Customer Edit Screen (see Figure 1.2).
Both Customer New Screen and Customer Edit Screen are broken into two subsections, Customer Information and Delivery Information. The Customer Information section contains eight fields, which include Surname, Given Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Route Name, and Phone Number. The Delivery Information section contains a listing of available publications, Publication List, and those subscriptions, Subscription List, that a customer has subscribed to. This subsection also contains a Delivery Status field and a Notes text box. The Delivery Status field contains two options, Active and Suspended. The from and to date fields, located below the Suspended option, are only used when an account is suspended and contain the date from which delivery is suspended until the date delivery is reactivated. If the date fields are left blank delivery is suspended indefinitely. The Notes text box allows the user to enter important notes concerning that customer.
As before, we find the button bar at the top of the screen. This bar contains a total of eight buttons, three circular and five rectangular. When the program is in new mode the "New" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (Edit and Search) are greyedout. Of the five rectangular buttons, only four, "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit", are available options.
Similarly, when the program is in edit mode the "Edit" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (New and Search) are greyedout. The five rectangular buttons "Delete", "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit" are available options .
Adding a new customer
Figure 1.1
To add a new customer select the "New" radio button from the button bar. The Customer New Screen (see figure 1.1) appears. Then enter, in the Customer Information section fields, all of the following information, except for the phone number which is considered optional:
- Surname
- Given Name
- Address
- City
- Province (pull down menu)
- Postal Code
- Route Name (pull down menu)
- Phone Number
If the user does not completely enter all of the above stated information (for the exception of the phone number) and tries to save the customer into the data base, then an error message appears informing that all information has not been entered correctly. The available options are to enter the missing fields or to cancel the operation.
To enter publication subscriptions for that new customer, select a publication from the Publication list and copying it to the Subscription list by using the "Subscribe >>" button. To remove a subscription select a subscription from the Subscription List and use the "<< Unsubscribe" button. If you choose to enter a publication subscription, the field delivery status must be set to either active or suspended. The Notes text box is provided to enter any special comments concerning the customer. Note: in order for a new customer to begin to receive delivery of a subscription the information in the Delivery section has to be entered and the Delivery status must be set to active.
To save the new customer information select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Deleting a customer
To delete a customer from the data base choose one of these two options. A customer can be deleted from the Search screen or the Edit screen.
To delete a customer from the Search screen select a customer from the Customer List box and then click on the "Delete" button.
To delete a customer from the Edit screen click the "Delete" button. When the delete function is used all customer information in the data base is removed.
In both cases you end up in the Search screen.
Editing customer information
Figure 1.2
To edit customer information select, from within the Search screen, the "Edit" radio button from the button bar. Then edit, in the Customer Information section, any of the following fields.
- Surname
- Given Name
- Address
- City
- Province (pull down menu)
- Postal Code
- Route Name (pull down menu)
- Phone Number
- Postal Code
As an option you may also choose to modify publication subscriptions for that customer. To subscribe to a new publication select a publication from the Publication List and copy it to the Subscription List. To unsubscribe an existing subscription select a subscription from the Subscription List and click the unsubscribe button. You can also alter the current Delivery Status and the contents of the Notes text box. Note: in order for a customer to begin or continue to receive delivery of a subscription, the Delivery status must be set to active.
To save any modifications select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Suspend delivery to a customer
To suspend a delivery, from the Edit screen, change the Delivery Status from active to suspended. As an option, you can also enter the from and to dates of the suspension. The system automatically switches the Delivery Status to active when the desired to date is reached. If no dates are placed in the date fields the Delivery Status is deemed to be suspended indefinitely.
Searching for a customer
Figure 1.3
To search for a customer or customers enter, within the Customer Information section of the Customer Search Screen (see Figure 1.3), information into one or several of the fields. As this information is entered the list of customers in the Customers List box is reduced to include only those that match the search criteria. If a search is successful, the Customers List box lists at least one customer. An empty Customers List box signifies a failed search.
To begin a new search for a customer or customers select the "New Search" button. To modify an existing search select any of the available fields and replace the existing information with new information.
Upon completion of a successful search, you can edit the customer information by clicking the "Edit" radio button, as outlined above in "Editing customer information".
Return to Table of Contents
Overview of the "Publications" screens functionality
Select the Publication tab to have the Publications Search screen appear (see figure 2.3). Note that you must be in Search mode to select a new tab. The "Search" radio button is highlighted to indicate that the program is in search mode. The Publications Search screen is divided in two sections, Publication Information and Publication List. The Publication Information section contains 7 fields:
- Publication Name
- Publisher Name
- Distributor Name
- Distributor Phone
- Publication Type
- Publication Frequency
- Key Words
The Publication List section contains a list box which displays publications found in a search of the data base. Located below the Publications List box is an additional button, "New Search". When the button is pushed, all the fields in the Customer Information section are cleared and the Publication List is reset.
At the top of the screen we find the button bar. This bar contains a total of eight buttons, three circular and five rectangular. The three circular buttons indicate the current mode (New, Edit, or Search) and allow the user to change to any one of the modes. Of the five rectangular buttons only three are available for use in the Publications Search Screen. They are "Delete", "Help", and "Quit". The two greyed-out buttons, "Save" and "Cancel", are not used in this screen.
In addition to the Publications Search Screen there are two other screens that pertain to the Publications section. They are Publications New Screen (see Figure 2.1) and Publications Edit Screen (see Figure 2.2).
Both Publications New Screen and Publications Edit Screen contains 9 fields:
- Publication Name
- Publisher Name
- Distributor Name
- Distributor Phone
- Publication Type
- Publication Frequency
- Key Words
- Number of subscriptions
- Publication Description
As before, we find the button bar at the top of the screen. This bar contains a total of eight buttons, three circular and five rectangular. When the program is in new mode the "New" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (Edit and Search) are greyedout. Of the five rectangular buttons, only four, "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit", are available options.
Similarly, when the program is in edit mode the "Edit" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (New and Search) are greyed-out. The five rectangular buttons "Delete", "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit" are available options.
Adding a new publication
Figure 2.1
To add a new publication, select the "New" radio button from the button bar. The Customers New Screen (see Figure 2.1) then appears. Enter, in the Publication Information section fields, all of the following information:
- Publication Name
- Publisher Name
- Distributor Name
- Distributor Phone
- Publication Type (e.g. Newspaper, Magazine)
- Publication Frequency (e.g. Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
- Key words (e.g. Automotive, trucks, Calgary)
- Number of Subscribers (default is zero)
- Publication Description
If the user does not completely enter all of the above stated information and tries to save the publication into the data base, then an error message appears informing that all information has not been entered correctly. The available options are to enter the missing fields or to cancel the operation.
To save the new publication information, select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
NOTE: Any mistakes that are not corrected here can be addressed by the edit function described below.
Deleting a publication
To delete a publication from the data base choose one of these two options. A publication can be deleted from the Search screen or the Edit screen.
To delete a publication from the Search screen select a publication from the Publication List box and then click on the "Delete" button.
To delete a publication from the Edit screen click the "Delete" button. When the delete function is used all publication information in the data base is removed.
In both cases you end up in the Search screen.
Editing publication information
Figure 2.2
To edit publication information select, from within the Publications Search screen, the "Edit" radio button from the button bar. Then edits any of the following fields:
- Publication Name
- Publisher Name
- Distributor Name
- Distributor Phone
- Publication Type
- Publication Frequency
- Key Words
- Number of subscriptions
- Publication Description
To save any modifications select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Search for a publication
Figure 2.3
To search for a publication or publications enter, within the Publication Information section of the Publications Search Screen (see Figure 1.3), information into one or several of the fields. As this information is entered the list of publications in the Publication List box is reduced to include only those that match the search criteria. If a search is successful, the Publication List box lists at least one customer. An empty Publications List box signifies a failed search.
To begin a new search for a publication or publications select the "New Search" button. To modify an existing search, select any of the available fields and replace the existing information with new information.
Upon completion of a successful search, you can edit the publication information by clicking the "Edit" button, as outlined above in "Editing publication information".
Return to Table of Contents
Overview of the "Carriers" screens functionality
To initiate the Carrier Interface select the Carriers tab, the default screen that appears is the Carrier Search screen (see Figure 3.3). The "Carriers" tab becomes highlighted indicating that the user is in the Carriers interface. Note that a new tab can only be selected from search mode. The "Search" radio button, located on the button bar, is highlighted to indicate that the program is in search mode. The search screen is divided into two sections, Carrier Information and Carriers List. The Carrier Information section contains eight fields, which include Carrier Number, Surname, Given Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, and Phone Number. It is important to point out that the Province field uses a pull down menu to list the available provinces. Make a selection from the listed provinces by clicking on the desired province. The selected province then appears in the field.
The Carriers List section contains a list box which displays carriers found in a search of the data base. Located below the Carriers List box is an additional button, "New Search". When the button is pushed, all the fields in the Carrier Information section are cleared and the Carriers List is reset, allowing to perform a new search.
At the top of the screen we find the button bar. This bar contains a total of eight buttons, three circular and five rectangular. The three circular buttons indicate the current mode (New, Edit, or Search) and allow to change to any one of the modes. Of the five rectangular buttons only three are available for use in the Carrier Search Screen. They are "Delete", "Help", and "Quit". The two greyed-out buttons, "Save" and "Cancel", are not used in this screen.
In addition to the Carrier Search Screen there are two other screens that pertain to the Carriers section. They are Carrier New Screen (see Figure 3.1) and Carrier Edit Screen (see Figure 3.2).
Both Carrier New Screen and Carrier Edit Screen are broken into two subsections, Carrier Information and Route Information. The Carrier Information section contains eight fields, which include Carrier Number, Surname, Given Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, and Phone Number. The Route Information section contains a listing of available routes, Routes List, and those routes, Carrier Routes, to which a carrier has been assigned.
As before, we find the button bar at the top of the screen. This bar contains a total of eight buttons, three circular and five rectangular. When the program is in Carrier new mode the "New" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (Edit and Search) are greyedout. Of the five rectangular buttons, only four, "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit", are available options.
Similarly, when the program is in Carrier edit mode the "Edit" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (New and Search) are greyed-out. The five rectangular buttons "Delete", "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit" are available options.
Adding a new carrier
To add a new carrier select the "New" radio button from the button bar. The Carrier New Screen (see Figure 3.1) then appears. Enter, in the Carrier Information section fields, all of the following information, for the exception of Carrier Number which is not editable:
- Surname
- Given Name
- Address
- City
- Province (pull down menu)
- Postal Code
- Phone Number
If you do not completely enter all of the above stated information and try to save the carrier into the data base, an error message appears informing you that all information has not been entered correctly. The available options are to enter the missing fields or to cancel the operation.
A carrier can be assigned to one or more delivery route(s). As an option you may choose to assign a route or routes to that new carrier. This is done by selecting a route from the Routes List and copying it the Carrier Routes by using the "Add Route" button. To remove a route or routes from a carrier, select a carrier route, from Carrier Routes, and removes it by using the "Remove Route" button.
To save the new carrier information select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Deleting a carrier
A carrier can only be deleted when there are no routes assigned to that carrier. If the user wishes to delete a carrier and that carrier still maintains a list of routes, these routes may be removed in the edit mode discussed below. This is done to ensure that no delivery routes are without a carrier. Note: an error message is displayed if an attempt is made to delete a carrier who still has assigned routes.
To delete a carrier from the data base choose one of these two options. A carrier can be deleted from the Search screen or the Edit screen.
To delete a carrier from the Search screen select a carrier from the Carrier List box and then click on the "Delete" button.
To delete a carrier from the Edit screen click the "Delete" button. When the delete function is used all carrier information in the data base is removed.
In both cases you end up in the Search screen.
Editing carrier information
To edit carrier information select, from within the Search screen, the "Edit" radio button from the button bar. The Carrier Edit Screen (see Figure 3.2) then appears. Edit, in the Carrier Information section, any of the following fields, except for the carrier number which is not editable:
- Surname
- Given Name
- Address
- City
- Province (pull down menu)
- Postal Code
- Phone Number
As an option you may also choose to modify carrier routes for that carrier. To add a new route to a carrier's routes list select a route from the Routes List and copies it to the Carrier Routes by selecting the "Add Route" button. To remove a route from a carrier's routes list select a route from the Carrier Routes and click the "Remove Route" button. To save any modifications select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Searching for a carrier
To search for a carrier or carriers enter, within the Carrier Information section of the Carrier Search Screen (see Figure 3.3), information into one or several of the fields. As this information is entered the list of carriers in the Carriers List box is reduced to include only those that match the search criteria. If a search is successful, the Carriers List box lists at least one carrier. An empty Carriers List box signifies a failed search.
To begin a new search for a carrier or carriers select the "New Search" button. To modify an existing search you can select any of the available fields and replace the existing information with new information.
Upon completion of a successful search, you can edit the carrier information by clicking the "Edit" radio button, as outlined above in "Editing carrier information".
Return to Table of Contents
Overview of the "Routes" screens functionality
To initiate the Routes Interface select the Routes tab, the default screen that appears is the Route Search screen (see Figure 4.3). The "Routes" tab becomes highlighted indicating that you are in the Routes interface. The "Search" radio button, located on the button bar, is highlighted to indicate that the program is in search mode. Note that a new tab can only be selected from within search mode.
The search screen is divided into two sections, Route Information and Routes List. The Route Information section contains four fields, which include Route Number, Route Name, Carrier Name, and Carrier Number. It is important to point out that the Carrier Name and Carrier Number fields use pull down menus to list the available carrier names and numbers respectively. For the Carrier Name field, make a selection from the listed carrier names by clicking on the desired carrier. The selected carrier name then appears in the field. Similarly for the Carrier Number field, make a selection from the listed carrier numbers by clicking on the desired carrier. The selected carrier number then appears in the field. Name and Carrier number can be added to or deleted from the pull down menu by way of the Carrier interface discussed above.
The Routes List section contains a list box which displays routes found in a search of the data base. Located below the Routes List box is an additional button, "New Search". When the button is pushed, all the fields in the Routes Information section are cleared and the Routes List is reset, hence allowing to perform a new search.
At the top of the screen we find the button bar. This bar contains a total of nine buttons, four circular and five rectangular. The four circular buttons indicate the current mode (New, Edit, Search, or Print) and allow changes to be made to any one of the modes. Of the five rectangular buttons only three are available for use in the Route Search Screen. They are "Delete", "Help", and "Quit". The two greyed-out buttons, "Save" and "Cancel", are not used in this screen.
In addition to the Routes Search Screen there are three other screens that pertain to the Routes section. They are Routes New Screen (see Figure 4.1), Routes Edit Screen (see Figure 4.2), and Routes Print Screen (see Figure 4.4).
Both Routes New Screen and Routes Edit Screen are broken into two subsections, Route Information and Route Lists. The Route Information section contains four fields, which include Route Number, Route Name, Carrier Name, and Carrier Number. The Route Description section contains a single field, Number of Customers, and three list boxes, Customer List, Postal Codes List, and Delivery List. The Number of Customers displays the total number of customers assigned to that route. The Customer List listbox displays the customers assigned to that route, the Postal Codes List listbox displays the postal codes assigned to that route, and the Delivery List listbox displays all the publications and their quantity to be delivered to the route.
As before, we find the button bar at the top of the screen. This bar contains a total of nine buttons, four circular and five rectangular. When the program is in Routes new mode the "New" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (Edit, Search, and Print) are greyed-out. Of the five rectangular buttons, only four, "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit", are available options.
Similarly, when the program is in Routes edit mode the "Edit" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular buttons (New, Search, and Print) are greyed-out. The five rectangular buttons "Delete", "Save", "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit" are available options.
The Routes interface introduces one additional screen, the Routes Print Screen. When the program in the Routes print mode the "Print" radio button is highlighted and the remaining circular button (New, Edit, and Search) are greyed-out. Of the five rectangular buttons, only three, "Cancel", "Help", and "Quit", are available options. The Routes Print screen is divided into two subsections, Route Information and Select Routes. The Route Information section contains four fields, which include Route Number, Route Name, Carrier Name, and Carrier Number. The Select Routes section contains a Select Routes listbox which display a complete list of all route numbers and names in the database. Below the listbox are two buttons, "Print All" and "Print".
Adding a new route
Figure 4.1
To add a new route select the "New" radio button from the button bar. The Routes New Screen (see Figure 4.1) then appears. Enter, in the Route Information section fields, all of the following information, for the exception of Route Number which is not editable:
- Route Name
- Carrier Name (pull down menu )
- Carrier Number (pull down menu)
If you do not completely enter all of the above stated information and try to save the route into the data base, an error message appears informing that all information has not been entered correctly. The available options are to enter the missing fields or to cancel the operation.
All fields and list boxes in the Route Description section are not editable. The system assigns customers, postal codes, and delivery items when a customer is assigned to a route.
To save the new route select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Deleting a route
A route can only be deleted when there is no carrier assigned to that route. To delete a carrier, you must access the search or edit mode of the Carriers interface.
To delete a route from the data base choose one of these two options. A route can be deleted from the Search screen or the Edit screen.
To delete a route from the Search screen select a route from the Route List box and then click on the "Delete" button.
To delete a route from the Edit screen click the "Delete" button. When the delete function is used all route information in the data base is removed.
In both cases you end up in the Search screen.
Editing route information
Figure 4.2
To edit route information select, from within the Search screen, the "Edit" radio button from the button bar. The Routes Edit Screen (see Figure 3.2) then appears. Edit, in the Carrier Information section, any of the following fields, except for the carrier number which is not editable:
- Route Name
- Carrier Name
- Carrier Number
All fields and list boxes in the Route Description section are not editable. The system assigns customers, postal codes, and delivery items when a customer is assigned to a route.
To save any modifications select the "Save" button from the button bar. All information within the fields is saved to the data base and you are returned to the Search screen. To return to the Search screen without saving any information select "Cancel" from the button bar.
Searching for a route
Figure 4.3
To search for a route or routes enter, within the Route Information section of the Routes Search Screen (see Figure 4.3), information into one or several of the fields. As this information is entered the list of carriers in the Routes List box is reduced to include only those that match the search criteria. If a search is successful, the Routes List box lists at least one route. An empty Routes List box signifies a failed search.
To begin a new search for a route or routes select the "New Search" button. To modify an existing search you can select any of the available fields and replace the existing information with new information. Upon completion of a successful search, you can edit the route information by clicking the "Edit" radio button, as outlined above in "Editing route information".
Generating a Printout
Figure 4.4
A printout which contains route name, carrier name, carrier address, carrier phone number, route household addresses and status, and the publication(s) received by each household is generated and given to the carrier before he or she makes the deliveries. You can print either a single route, a subset of routes, or the entire set of routes which may be selected from the Select Routes listbox. To enter print mode select the "Print" radio button from the button bar. Then select one or more routes from the listbox, or click on the "Print All" button to print all the routes in the database. Click the "Print" button to generate a printout. Terminate a print job by selecting the "Cancel" button from the button bar. Upon completion or cancellation of a print job the system returns to search mode.
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Error Handling
General Error/Confirmation messages
information has been changed but not saved
- occurs when any data has been changed and either a subsystem tab or the QUIT button has been chosen
- a prompt to save changes or proceed without saving changes will be displayed
confirmation to exit
- when the QUIT button is chosen a confirmation message is displayed. IF YES is chosen, PHDS will exit. If NO is chosen, PHDS will return to the previous screen
confirmation to delete
- when the DELETE function is chosen a confirmation message is displayed. If YES is chosen, PHDS will remove the information from the database. If NO is chosen, PHDS will return to the previous screen
confirmation to save
- when the SAVE function is chosen a confirmation message is displayed. If YES is chosen, PHDS will add the information to the database. If NO is chosen, PHDS will ignore the new information and return to the search screen
Specific Error/Confirmation messages
customer information not completed
- in adding a new customer, all customer information data fields must be filled in with the exception of the customer's phone number
- a choice of canceling the operation or editing the information is given
publication information not completed
- in adding a new publication, all publication information data fields must be filled in
- a choice of canceling the operation or editing the information is given
carrier information not completed
- in adding a new carrier, all carrier information data fields must be filled in with the exception of the carrier number (which is assigned by PHDS)
- a choice of canceling the operation or editing the information is given
unable to delete carrier - carrier is still assigned a route
- a carrier must not be assigned any routes when the delete function is chosen
- unassign the route(s) (refer to editing carrier information) before proceeding
route information not completed
- in adding a new route, all route information data fields must be filled in with the exception of the route number
- a choice of canceling the operation or editing the information is given
unable to delete route - route is still assigned a carrier
- a route must not be assigned any carriers when the delete function is chosen
- unassign the carrier (refer to editing route information) before proceeding
no publication selected
- in choosing the SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE button, a publication must be chosen from the list of publications
no route selected
- in choosing the ADD ROUTE or REMOVE ROUTE button, a route must be chosen from the list of routes
Return to Table of Contents
This screen allows you to add a new customer, search for customer information, and edit/change customer information. A step by step walkthrough for each of these tasks follows.
Adding a New Customer
- If you are not already on the customer screen, move the mouse cursor over the Customer tab on the upper right side of the window and click the left mouse button once to enter the customer screen (see figure 1.1).
- Move the mouse cursor to the New radio button in the upper left of the screen and click once on the left mouse button to enter the New customer mode.
- Now fill in the Customer Information fields in the upper half of the screen:
- Move the mouse cursor over the Surname field and click once on the left mouse button.
- Now type in the last name of the new customer on the keyboard.
- To move to the next field you may hit the Tab key, or move the mouse cursor over the next field and click the left mouse button. Repeat this process for Given Name, Address, and City.
- To select the proper Province click on the arrow button beside the Province field, a list will appear of all provinces, select the correct one by hitting the down arrow key until it is highlighted and then press the Enter key, or by moving the mouse cursor over the correct one and clicking the left mouse button.
- Now move to the Postal Code field and type it in using the keyboard, e.g. T1Y 4G8
- To select the route which the customer will be added to move the mouse cursor over the arrow button beside the Route Name field and click the left mouse button, a list of Routes will appear, select one by pressing the down arrow key until the route is highlighted, then press Enter, or you may move the mouse cursor over the desired route and click the left mouse button. The Routes database is automatically updated.
- Now move to the Phone Number field and type it in using the keyboard, e.g. (403) 280-2763. Note: the Phone Number fields is optional; a customer can be saved at this point by hitting the Save button if no further information is to be entered.
- Now fill in the customer's Delivery information located in the lower half of the screen:
- Select one or more publications the customer wants to subscribe to from the Publication List by moving the mouse cursor over them and clicking the left mouse button.
- Move the mouse cursor over the Subscribe>> button and click the left mouse button to add them to the Subscription List.
- If it is necessary to remove a mistakenly added publication from the subscription list, select it from the Subscription list and click the < If the customer does not want delivery to begin immediately, change the delivery status from Active to Suspended by moving the mouse cursor over the Suspended radio button and clicking the left mouse button, to start it on a particular date, enter the to: field and type in the appropriate date.
- Any notes on the customer, e.g. leave on front step, may be added by moving the mouse cursor into the Notes box and clicking the left mouse button, then adding the note using the keyboard.
- To save the customer (add them to the database), click the Save button at the top of the screen using the mouse. (If any required information is missing the system will inform you, fill it in and try again).
- If you do not wish to save this customer (add them to the database) click the Cancel button at the top of the screen, all of the information will disappear and you will be returned to the Search mode.
Editing customer information
- If you are not already on the customer screen, move the mouse over the Customer tab on the upper right side of the window and click the left mouse button once to enter the customer screen.
- If you have not already located the customer you wish to edit, follow the "Search for a customer" instructions above before continuing.
- To edit the customer you must be in the Edit mode which can be selected by moving the mouse cursor over the Edit radio button in the upper left portion of the screen and clicking the left mouse button once (see figure 1.2).
- Move the mouse cursor into any Customer Information fields you wish to change and edit them using the backspace key to erase.
- If you want to add a new subscription select one or more publications the customer wants to subscribe to from the Publication List by moving the mouse cursor over them and clicking the left mouse button. Move the mouse cursor over the Subscribe>> button and click the left mouse button to add them to the Subscription List.
- To remove subscriptions from the Subscription List select them by moving the mouse cursor over them and click the left mouse button (clicking again will deselect the publication). Then move the mouse cursor over the < If delivery to a customer must be suspended, e.g. for a vacation, you should move the mouse cursor over the Suspended radio button and click the left mouse button. Customers may be suspended indefinitely by leaving the from and to fields blank, while if the time period is known the dates may be entered by clicking on the field and entering the dates using the keyboard.
- You may add delete or edit the notes box if you wish by moving the cursor into the Notes box and clicking the left mouse button.
- Once you have made all the changes you wish to make to the customer you must click the Save button, no changes are made to the database if you choose Cancel (in case you made a mistake). You are then returned to Search mode.
Searching for a Customer
- If you are not already on the customer screen, move the mouse over the Customer tab on the upper right side of the window and click the left mouse button once to enter the customer screen (see figure 1.3).
- You may now search for a customer based on any combination of Customer Information fields:
- Enter the field you wish to search by moving the mouse cursor over it and clicking the left mouse button, enter the information, as you fill in fields the Customer List will shrink to those which match the information entered so far.
- Select from the list the customer you are searching for by moving the mouse cursor over it and clicking the left mouse button.
- If the Customer List is empty, no customers match what you have filled in to the information fields, you can edit the fields again using the keyboard or click the New Search button to blank all fields and begin again.
- If you do not enter any information the Customer List is a list of all customers, and you may search through it using the scroll bar.
- To view or edit the selected customer move the mouse cursor over the Edit radio button and click the left mouse button. (see above for details on editing).
- To delete the selected customer from the database hit the Delete button (a confirmation window will come up to ensure against accidental deletions).
Return to Table of Contents
The publications screen allows the addition, editing, and searching of publication information in the database. These functions are displayed in detail below.
Adding a New Publication
The upper half of the screen will contain information pertaining to the publication, and will be searched on in the future once added to the database. To input this information, perform the following steps:
- Using the mouse point to and click on the "New" radio button, highlighting the button in the upper left hand corner of the screen (see figure 2.1).
- Move the mouse pointer to the Publication Name field, click the mouse inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication name, e.g. "The Calgary Herald".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Publisher Name" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publisher's name, e.g. "The Calgary Herald".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Distributor Name" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the Distributor's name, e.g. "The Calgary Herald".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Distributor Phone Number" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string of the format in the example containing the distributor's phone number, e.g. (403) 555-1234.
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Publication Type" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication type, e.g. "Newspaper/Magazine".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Publication Frequency" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication frequency, e.g. "Monthly/Weekly/Daily".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Key Words" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication key words, e.g. "Computers/Hot Rod Cars/Golf".
The lower half of the screen contains the number of subscriptions for this particular publication, and a detailed description of the publication. This information can be entered by performing the following steps:
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Number of Subscriptions" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid integer number containing the number of publications, e.g. 6.
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Publication Description" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid alphanumeric string containing the publisher's name, e.g. "This magazine discusses the top 5 ways to improve your golf game. It will also let you know about the top 10 golf courses in Canada." .
To save any new changes click on the "Save" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen to add this person to the data base. If you do no want to save changes click on the "Cancel" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen to clear the screen, return to search mode, and add no new information to the database. Note: A user will be prompted to ensure they truly wish to terminate the function, before the information is cleared.
If at any time you would like help on a function you are performing click on the "Help" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen and the user manual will be available, by clicking on a topic in the table of contents, or on a hypertext link in the index the information will be displayed to the screen.
The program can be exited at anytime by clicking on the "Quit" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen. Note: A user will be prompted to ensure they truly wish to terminate the function and the program.
Deleting a Publication
By clicking on the "Delete" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen, the publication selected can be removed from the database. Note: A user will be prompted to ensure they truly wish to delete the publication, before the information is cleared, and removed from the database.
To obtain help click on the "Help" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen and the user manual will be available, by clicking on a topic in the table of contents, or on a hypertext link in the index the information will be displayed to the screen.
The program can be exited at anytime by clicking on the "Quit" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen. Note: A user will be prompted to ensure they truly wish to terminate the function and the program.
Editing a Publication
The upper half of the screen contains information pertaining to the publication, and will be searched on in the future once edited and added to the database (see figure 2.2). To input this information, perform the following steps:
- Move the mouse pointer to the data field to be changed, click the mouse inside that field to activate the field to receive data, delete the information and type in a new valid string containing correct information, e.g. If publication name was chosen "The Calgary Heckler" would be replaced with "The Calgary Herald".
- Repeat this process on all data fields requiring changes.
To save the desired changes click on the "Save" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen to add this person to the data base. To abandon any changes made click on the "Cancel" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen to clear the screen, return to search mode, and change no information to the database. Note: A user will be prompted to ensure they truly wish to terminate the function, before the information is cleared.
To obtain help click on the "Help" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen and the user manual will be available, by clicking on a topic in the table of contents, or on a hypertext link in the index the information will be displayed to the screen.
The program can be exited at anytime by clicking on the "Quit" button located in the button bar at the top of the screen. Note: A user will be prompted to ensure they truly wish to terminate the function and the program.
Searching for a Publication
The screen to search for a publication contains the search information of a publication in the upper half of the screen, and a list of possible match publications in the lower half of the screen (see figure 2.3). If not already in the search mode, select the "Search" radio button in the upper left hand corner of the screen (see figure 2.3). At this point any publication can be searched for in the database by doing the following:
Information entered in any of the data fields will dynamically narrow the search. The information that may be entered is as follows:
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Publication Name" field, click the mouse inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication name, e.g. "The Calgary Herald". Move the mouse pointer to the "Publisher Name" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publisher's name, e.g. "The Calgary Herald".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Distributor Name" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the Distributor's name, e.g. "The Calgary Herald".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Distributor Phone Number" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string of the format in the example containing the distributor's phone number, e.g. (403) 555-1234. Move the mouse pointer to the "Publication Type" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication type, e.g. "Newspaper/Magazine".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Publication Frequency" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication frequency, e.g. "Monthly/Weekly/Daily".
- Move the mouse pointer to the "Key Words" field, click inside that field to activate the field to receive data, and type in a valid character string containing the publication key words, e.g. "Computers/Hot Rod Cars/Golf".
The lower half of the screen contains a list of possible publication matches that is obtained from entering data similar to the above example. A publication has been found in the database if the publication name is found in the list box. If the publication is not the database, nothing is returned in the list box, and the publication may be a new entry. To selecting the publication click on the publication name in the list box, the machine automatically enters the edit mode, and displays all publication information (see figure 2.3).
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The Carrier section contains almost all of the functions that are associated with the carriers. This screen allows you to add, view and update information to a carrier. Part of this information is the route(s) to which the carrier has been assigned.
To bring up the Carrier Interface, the user selects the Carriers tab, the default screen that appears is the Carrier Search screen. The "Carriers" tab becomes highlighted indicating that the user is in the Carriers interface.
Adding a New Carrier
The upper half of the screen will contain information pertaining to the carrier, and will be searched on in the future once added to the database (see figure 3.1). To input this information, perform the following steps:
- Verify that you are on the Carrier screen. The Carrier tab will be selected if you are on this screen already. If you are not on this screen, select the Carrier tab with your mouse.
- Toggle the New button, located at the top right of the screen. This will clear all of the fields and allow you to enter the data for the new carrier. Note that the New button can only be selected when in the search mode. If you are currently updating a Carrier, finish your editing then type save or cancel to return to the search mode.
- Edit the fields as desired.
- When you are done making changes select the save button with your mouse. Or if you have changed your mind and no longer want to add this carrier, then select the cancel button. Selecting either function will return you to the carrier search mode.
Editing/Viewing Carrier Information
The upper half of the screen contains information pertaining to the carrier, and will be searched on in the future once edited and added to the database (see figure 2.2). To input this information, perform the following steps:
- Verify that you are on the Carrier screen. The Carrier tab will be selected if you are on this screen already. If you are not on this screen, select the Carrier tab with your mouse.
- Search for the Customer that you wish to edit. For more information on this topic refer to "Searching for a Carrier".
- Highlight the customer by selecting one his fields with your mouse.
- Toggle the edit button located at the top left side of the screen.
- Edit the fields and/or route assignment as desired.
- When you are done making changes select the save button with your mouse. Or if you have changed your mind and no longer want to add this carrier, then select the cancel button. Selecting either function will return you to the carrier search mode.
Adding a Carrier to a Route
- Find the carrier that you want to edit and enter the Edit mode. For more information on how to do this refer to "Editing/Viewing a Carrier's Information" and "Searching for a Carrier".
- Select with the mouse, the route from the route list box that you wish the carrier be added to. If the route that you want to add the carrier is not visible use the scroll bar on the list box to locate it. If you still can't find correct route, you will have to add it. To do this refer to the "Adding a New Route" section of this document.
- Select the "Add Route" bottom. The selected route should now be part of the carrier route list (note: if the carrier has been to assigned to multiple routes then the newly added route may not be visible).
Deleting a Carrier
- Find the carrier that you want to edit and enter the Edit mode. For more information on how to do this refer to "Editing/Viewing a Carrier's Information" and "Searching for a Carrier".
- Select the "Delete" button located near the top centre of the screen.
- A window will appear verifying that you really want to remove the carrier from the data base. Select the "yes" button if you are sure that you want to remove the carrier presently selected from the database. Note that in order to delete a carrier, the carrier must not be assigned to any routes.
Removing a Carrier from a Route
- Find the carrier that you want to edit and enter the Edit mode. For more information on how to do this refer to "Editing/Viewing a Carrier's Information" and "Searching for a Carrier".
- Select with the mouse, the route that wish to remove the carrier from. The selection is made from the carrier routes list box. If the route that you want to remove the from is not visible, use the scroll bar on the list box to locate it.
- Select the "Remove Route" button. The selected route should will now be taken out of the carrier routes list box.
Searching for a Carrier
The screen to search for a carrier contains the search information for a carrier in the upper half of the screen, and a list of possible match carriers in the lower half of the screen (see figure 2.3). If not already in the search mode, select the "Search" radio button in the upper left hand corner of the screen (see figure 2.3). At this point any carrier can be searched for in the database by doing the following:
- Verify that you are on the Carrier screen. The Carrier tab will be selected if you are on this screen already. If you are not on this screen, select the Carrier tab with your mouse. The carrier screen will automatically default to the search mode.
- Select using the mouse, a field that you wish to do a query on. Type in the information. You may type information into more then one field in order to limit the number of results.
For example, if you wanted to find Duncan Jones in the database, you would first enter the Jones into the field Surname. The Carrier list would then show all of the carriers with the last name Jones. You would then proceed to enter the name "Duncan" into the field surname. Now all of the carriers with the name Duncan Jones should be shown.
- Select the customer that you wish to view in the carrier list box. To pull up all the information about this customer, and hence enter the edit mode, either double click on the selected customer or select the edit button located at the top of the screen. To leave this screen select the cancel button. For more information about the edit screen refer to "Editing/Viewing a Carrier's Information".
- If you decide that you want to do another search with different information, select the "New Search" button located at the bottom of the screen. This will clear all of the fields and allow you to perform another search.
Return to Table of Contents
The routes interface has four major functions, one more than the other interfaces. These are adding a new route, editing a current route, searching for a certain route and printing out route information.
Adding a New Route
To add a new route to the database, these steps should be followed:
- Select the Routes Tab to change to the Routes Interface.
- The default mode is the Search Mode. Select the New button at the top left of the screen, and the screen should change to the following (see figure 4.1). Note that once in New Mode, no other modes or tabs can be selected until the information is either saved or canceled.
- Enter a unique/The system will automatically generate a unique route number.
- Enter a unique route name, in the Route Name section.
- Select a carrier through one of the following two ways:
- In the Carrier Name listbox, scroll through the names and then click on the desired carrier's name. That carrier's unique number should then appear in the listbox below their name.
- Select the carrier's number in the Carrier number listbox. That Carrier's name should then appear in the Carrier Name listbox.
- Either press the Save or Cancel button when finished.
Note: For now, the bottom half of the screen will be empty until customers are added to this route (See the Customer Interface section of this manual for more information).
You wish to create a new route called Riverbend, with Pete Gimper delivering mail on this new route.
- Select the Routes tab to bring up the Routes Interface.
- Select the New Button at the top left corner of the screen.
- Enter, in the Route Name section, Riverbend.
- Scroll through the list of carriers in the Carrier Name listbox, until Pete Gimper's name appears. Select his name by clicking on it. Note: Pete Gimper's Carrier Number should now appear in the Carrier Number area.
- Press the Save button to store this information into the database.
Searching and Editing Route Information.
To edit the route to be changed, it must first be found using the search function.
- Enter the Route Interface by selecting its tab.
- The default mode should now be in Search Mode (see figure 4.3), provided that the Search Button at the top of the screen is selected. If it isn't click on the Search Button manually.
- Enter the criteria of the search in the upper part of the screen labeled Route Information. As you are entering data the Search Listbox, on the bottom half of the screen, should be showing any possible matches to the information being entered above. If nothing appears in the Search Listbox, then there is nothing in the database matching all of the criteria that is specified.
- When the desired route appears in the Search Listbox, selecting it with the mouse will change the screen into Edit Mode, with the selected route's information filling the screen (see figure 4.2).
- The Edit Button at the top of the screen should now be selected. In this mode, any of the information in the Route Information section can be changed. This is done by selecting that field and either typing in the changes or selecting them from a listbox. Note that once in Edit Mode, no other tabs or modes can be selected until the changed information has either been saved or discarded.
- Once all the desired changes have been made, they must either be saved or canceled with the Save and Cancel Buttons. If the changes are canceled, then the old information will be retained.
Now you wish to add Ms. Miggins to the Riverbend route that was created above, but then wish to change carriers from Pete Gimper to Ronald McDonald.
- Enter the customer interface by selecting its tab on the side of the screen. Edit Ms. Miggin's route, so that she is now on the Riverbend route (For more information on how to do this check the Customer Interface Section).
- After saving Ms. Miggin's information, change back to the Routes Interface.
- The default mode should again be the Search Mode. Call up the Riverbend route by entering Riverbend in the Route Name section. Once the name is completely entered, there should be only one route listed in the Routes Listbox, Riverbend.
- Select Riverbend from the Search Listbox and the screen will then automatically change into Edit Mode.
- The information that was previously entered for Riverbend should now appear on the screen.
- To change carriers from Pete Gimper to Ronald McDonald, scroll through the Carrier Name Listbox until Ronald McDonald's name appears, then simply select his name.
- Press the Save Button to save this information.
Printing Routes
- Enter the Routes Interface by selecting the Routes Tab.
- Enter Print Mode by selecting the Print Button on the top of the screen. The screen should now change into Print Mode (see figure 4.4).
- The bottom part of the screen contains a Listbox that lists all the routes that are in the database. Any route can be selected and the printed individually using the Print Button located below the Listbox. All the routes can be printed by pressing the Print All Button. Note that once a route is selected, its information is displayed on the top portion of the screen.
You now wish to print out the Riverbend route.
- Enter the Routes Interface and select the Print Button.
- Scroll through the Print Listbox at the bottom of the screen until Riverbend appears.
- Select Riverbend from the listbox so that it is highlighted and then press the Print Button located just below.
Return to Table of Contents
Appendix A
Appendix A contains the complete set of interface screen shown in the document. They are shown here for quick reference.
Figure 1.1 - Customer new screen
Figure 1.2 - Customer edit screen
Figure 1.3 - Customer search screen
Figure 2.1 - Publication new screen
Figure 2.2 - Publication edit screen
Figure 2.3 - Publication search screen
Figure 4.1 - Route new screen
Figure 4.2 - Route edit screen
Figure 4.3 - Route search screen
Figure 4.4 - Route print screen
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Appendix B
Glossary of Terms
The following is a list of terms taken from the document. Each term provides an explanation as to its definition.
Active - an item that is currently in use or that can be selected
Button Bar - a row (or column) of buttons
Button - a polygonal shaped object that can be selected with a mouse click to perform a function
Click/Mouse Click - pressing and releasing the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the desired area of a screen (usually a button)
Double Click - rapidly pressing and releasing the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the desired area of a screen (usually a button)
Editable Field - an area that may or may not contain data that can be edited
Field - an area that may or may not contain data
Greyed-Out - an item (e.g. button) that is inactive
Hypertext - text within an HTML document that provides a physical link to a section within that document in which the text can be found
Inactive - an item that is not currently in use or that cannot be selected
List Box - a box which contains a list of related items that can be selected using a mouse click
Menu Bar - a horizontal bar containing names of options that can be selected with a mouse click
Modes - different options/functions that can be selected or deselected with a mouse click
Pull Down Menu - a list of tasks or functions that is displayed when an option is chosen from a menu bar
Radio Button - a round button that can be selected by a mouse click to perform a function
Screen Shot - a picture of an instance of what is displayed on a monitor
Scroll Bar - appears on the right and/or button of a window to indicate the contents of a window is larger than the display area; contains two scroll arrow which is used to view the unseen contents; a scroll box indicates the relative position of the current display to the entire content
Tab - a label that extends out from the current window that can be selected to change to a different function
Text Box - a box/field which may or may not contain text that can or cannot be edited
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Page maintain by Ian Mayhood.
Last Updated: March 11, 1996