Customer Group #7
Response to User Manual
Click here for our Supplier Group's User Manual
This document contains comments on the user manual for the Publication Home Delivery System's
User Manual. It is organized loosely in the same format as the user manual itself (by
section headings), and it is most helpful if read along side of the user manual as opposed
to a standalone document.
Using the System
- According to our 'Customer's Response to ODD' on Feb 15, 1996, we requested
"The postal code entry
should also include other forms of postal addresses (e.g. Zip Codes from the U.S.) in case
we wish to
expand". In case the user needed to enter a customer with 5 digit States Zip Code instead of 6
digit Canadian Postal Code, please advise how the user can do this.
- It is a good idea to inform the user that information that has not been completed
when the user goes to
save the new customer. However, it would be a better idea to just warn the user, so
that if they wish to save the new customer when only eight customer information fields are
completed (for example), and the subsciption list is empty, it will allow it.
- The "Subscribe >>" and "<< Unsubscribe" buttons help the user save a lot of time,
and are a great idea for the interface.
- Would you please mention in the user manual that what would happen if the user
were to press the "Quit" button in this screen. Although this may seem obvious, there
are some picky details such as if the customer had been edited first, how would the system
handle it?
- According to our 'Customer Specification Revision' Jan 30, 1996, "When a customer has a balance
other then zero, a warning should be issued and confirmation is asked...". Would you please
mention more about this in the user manual so that we know more about how this system
will handle this.
- You did mentioned that the user can switch to the "Edit" mode from the "Search" mode.
However, we would appreciate it if you can explain in more detail about the procedure
of how a user can edit a customer from the default 'customer search screen'. We feel
that the following method should be used:
- The user is in the default customer search mode
- Enter any information field(s) to search for
- The customer list displays all the customers who match the search criteria
- Select a specific customer from the customer list
- Presse the 'Edit' button to edit this specific customer
- The publication section of the user manual document was generally well written.
The instructions and information given is clear and concise. This user manual
would be definitely helpful to a new user. The screen shots are useful while
reading the manual as it gave a clearer picture of how to use the program.
- The first section was adding a publication. This section was well done as it
included error messages that the user should be aware of. The other sections,
deleting a publication, editing a publication and searching for a publication
were straight forward and easy to understand. To improve these sections, it
would be nice to have error messages, if any, listed for these sections.
- In general, the publication section was informative and straight forward to
- The overview customer section is well written. There is only a few points
that could use improvement. The overview section, rather than being a rough
outline, contains parts that should be in the walkthrough. The actual
screen snapshots of the final product are not easy to follow for the
novice user. We sometimes felt the tabs should be located at the top or on the
left side, not the right side (but this is a very picky instinct that could
be easily overcome).
- The route information is really straight forward. It was a nice feature that
we can access any of the search, edit ,new and delete functions from any
of the windows, and travel between the windows was simplified by
adding the window buttons at the top. Also, it was good that there was only
a minimal amount of typing involved, as we can just choose things from
a list box. Locations of windows on the screen was also intuitive. Overall,
the route section was done rather admirably.
Error Handling
- Overall, the error handling is good. We especially like the error message
that does not allow the user to delete a carrier until the carrier is not
assigned to any route. However, one error message that we think is not
necessary is the error message that appears when the user requests to save
edited information. In the first place, the only time the user wants to
edit the information is when he knows what must be changed. The user would
not be in the edit mode if he has no intention of changing some of the
information fields.
- Also, when deleting a route, beside checking for any carrier still assigned
to the route, PHDS should be able to check if any of the customers are assigned
to that route. Without checking if any cutomer is still on the route before
deleting it will end up with those customers complaining that they haven't
received the papers they paid for.
- In Adding a New Customer, section 3.4, it appears that we are
forced to use a system coded
list of provinces. What are we to do if the provinces
change (eg. Quebec), or we decide to expand into the U.S.? If we want to
add or change this list, is it possible?
- Incorrect details:
- Missing the delete capability in the overview section
- Save section of the Add function says to click on "Save"
to 'add this person to the data base' -- we're not adding
people here but rather publications.
- It's not clear if all the data fields must be entered or not in the
Adding a New Publication section.
- In general we found we had to refer to the Overview section for the
details that were missing in the Walkthrough. I think it would be
nicer to have all the details on a function together in one spot.
As a users, we're not sure which section we should refer to.
We also found the language used in this section somewhat awkward and at times more wordy
than it needed to be. Some of the details get buried in long
paragraphs. The numbered lists are good but they do not have
all the steps, so they can be misleading.
- In entering a new route, this system requires a unique name.
Is there a check for uniqueness? No corresponding error
message are listed in the error handling section.
- For route number, the system generates one, or you can
enter one. Does the system make it's suggestion first,
then allow you to overtype?
The User Manual was well written and organized. It was perhaps
a little too repetitive and wordy at times, but this can be a good thing
to a new user. The above comments are generally just picky details and
comments about small errors that are in any first draft of a document.
In all, we are satisfied with the user manual.
Last Modified Mar. 19, 1996 by
Darrell Nash