When the system starts up, the
user is presented with a window with fields for entering
his or her Employee ID number and Password. When these
are filled, the user then clicks on OK to get into the
system, or cancel to clear the fields. When the password
is entered, asterisks are displayed instead of the
entered characters.
An incorrectly entered Employee ID or Password
results in a dialogue box being displayed which reads
"Invalid ID number or Password", and then we
return to the Login Interface. On a correct entry of ID
and Password, the user is presented with the Main Menu. If the user clicks on OK with
a blank password field, the Change Password Interface is
displayed. This interface has a field for the entry of
the old password (for security), the new password and
verification of the new password. If an employee forgets
his or her password, a manager can clear his or her
password so that a new one can then be entered.
The Main Menu is a list of
eight buttons which, when clicked on, display interfaces
for all of the different parts of GUIDOs.
- Product List
- Press to bring up the Products
- Ordering
- Press to bring up the Orders
- Inventory
- Press to bring up the Inventory
- Personnel
- Press to bring up the Personnel
- Security
- Press to bring up the Security
Interface. This button is greyed out for
users with insufficient security.
- Stores
- Press to bring up the Stores
- Logout
- Press to exit the Main Menu. GUIDOs Login
Interface is displayed. The system can now be
accessed by a different employee of Calgary
There does not appear to be
support for items that are sold by weight instead of by
individual units.
We require a comment field
related to each inventory item so that employees may make
notes regarding particular products.
This window can be accessed
by any managers, stockers or personnel people, who log on
to the system. However, each person will be given access
according to their security level to each specific button
in the window. (i.e stockers can not add product, so the
ADD button will be greyed out when a stocker logs on to
the system.)
The table of products list will include UPC,
description, category and cost per unit.
Under the window, there are six buttons. Each button
will be greyed out if the user does not have the proper
security level.
- Press to add new product at the end of the table.
- The user first needs to highlight the product,
then press the DELETE button to delete the
product. After the user presses the DELETE
button, a confirmation box will pop up on the
screen to confirm the request.
- Conformation Box
- This box asks the user if this is the
correct product to be deleted. This box
will contain UPC and description of the
product that is to be deleted. Press the
DELETE button to delete the product, or
CANCEL to exit the request.
- First the user must select a field to change by
clicking on it, which then takes the user to edit
mode in that field. After the user is done
changing the information the update button is
pressed to save the new information. If an error
is detected in the input an error message will
appear and ask the user to re-enter the
- Sorting the table to a specific order according
to the user's will.
- SORT BY window
- There are two ways to sort the table, by
UPC or by category. The user can choose
one of these two choices then press OK to
sort, or press CANCEL to exit the
- Print the table in the current order. This button
will link to the system print manager. It can be
accessed by any store managers, stocker or
- Returns to the Main
Clicking the Orders button on
the main menu will bring up the orders screen. This
consists of a table which contains all of the orders
currently in the system as well as some buttons for
manipulating orders. Any employee can enter the orders
screen, but only those with security access can modify or
create orders. Anybody without proper security will find
all the buttons except for SEARCH, SORT BY, PRINT and
EXIT greyed out.
The table will have 5 columns - order number, date
ordered, time ordered, employee number and status. The
order number is what the table is initially sorted by,
with the highest number (most recent order) first.
Employee number is used to tell who made the order. The
status of the order can be one of the following: pending
(an order that has been sent to the warehouse), filled
(an order that has been filled by the warehouse and sent
to the store), complete (the store receives the complete
order), and incomplete (part of the order is missing or
The buttons beneath the table consist of the
- Used to create a new order. Brings up the NEW
ORDER screen The NEW ORDERS screen is set up
as follows:
The current date and time are
displayed in the upper left hand corner. The
upper right hand corner displays the employee ID,
the order number and the store ID. Each of these
are set automatically.
On the left hand side of the screen is a
table which displays the groceries database. This
is the list of all possible products which can be
ordered. However, the list only displays products
in those categories which the user has access to
order (hence, the meat manager will not even have
the option of ordering fruit - only all the
products that fall under his domain will be
listed). This table will have 2 columns - UPC and
product description. Immediately below this table
is a FIND button which allows the user to quickly
locate items in the list by searching on either
the UPC or the description.
To the right of the groceries table is the
table which holds the actual order being made. In
between the two are left and right arrows. To add
an item to the order, you select it from the
groceries list and press the right arrow button.
The item will then be copied to the new order
table. The new order table has 2 columns - UPC
and quantity. After making a product selection,
you can edit the quantity box to fill in the
quantity desired.
Finally, below the new order table is a
SUBMIT button. When the order is done, the user
clicks this button to save the order. This adds
the order to the orders database and updates the
big orders table on the previous screen. After
the order has been submitted, the NEW ORDERS
window disappears.
- After the status of an order has been changed (by
highlighting the order, then editing the status
field), this button updates the database.
- This brings up a window which displays
information about a highlighted order.
Information includes the UPC, description, and
the number ordered and number received of every
component of the order. This window also has
three buttons in it:
- This updates the Orders database after
changing the number received to match
what was actually received from the
warehouse. If an order is given a status
of complete then all of the numbers in
the number received column will
automatically equal the numbers in the
corresponding number ordered column.
However, if an order is incomplete, the
details screen automatically pops up and
the user should manually enter how many
of each item was received.
- This prints the details of that order.
- This returns the user to the Orders
Interface screen.
The find function is
not powerful enough for our purposes. We need to
be able to seach by:
- Description
- Comments
- Category
- Unit Price (and range of unit price)
- This button allows the user to find a certain
order or orders satisfying the search criteria.
- This button allows the user to sort the table of
orders based on the contents of any column in the
- This button will print out the highlighted orders
from the table.
- Returns to the main menu.
The NEW ORDERS screen is set up as follows. The
current date and time are displayed in the upper left
hand corner. The upper right hand corner displays the
employee ID, the order number and the store ID. Each of
these are set automatically.
On the left hand side of the screen is a table which
displays the groceries database. This is the list of all
possible products which can be ordered. However, the list
only displays products in those categories which the user
has access to order (hence, the meat manager will not
even have the option of ordering fruit - only all the
products that fall under his domain will be listed). This
table will have 2 columns - UPC and product description.
Immediately below this table is a SEARCH button which
allows the user to quickly locate items in the list by
searching on either the UPC or the description.
To the right of the groceries table is the table
which holds the actual order being made. In between the
two are left and right arrows. To add an item to the
order, you select it from the groceries list and press
the right arrow button. The item will then be copied to
the new order table. The new order table has 2 columns -
UPC and quantity. After making a product selection, you
can edit the quantity box to fill in the quantity
Finally, below the new order table is a SUBMIT
button. When the order is done, the user clicks this
button to save the order. This adds the order to the
orders database and updates the big orders table on the
previous screen. After the order has been submitted, the
NEW ORDERS window disappears.
The mechanism for adding and
removing inventory items from the database is not
obvious. Please clarify this point. NOTE: The addition
and deletion of inventory items can only be done at the
The inventory screen is used
primarily for viewing the current inventory. When it is
accessed a scrolling table will appear before the user
containing all the information available for any
particular inventory item. The fields that will display
per item include:
- The Universal Product Code is used to identify
the item
ex. 0-66343-00990-2
- Description
- A short description of the item
ex. Old Dutch Jalapeno Chips
- Category
- The category that the item is specified to
ex. Snack food
- Quantity
- The number in stock for an item in the store
ex. 100
- Sale Price
- The price/unit that the grocery store is selling
it for
ex. $0.75
- Alert Level
- The level in which reordering occurs
- Target Restock Quantity
- The amount of stock to reorder at
The user can use the scroll bar on the right of the
table to scan through the inventory. He/she may also
click upon any field other than UPC and change the
contents of that field. For example one could alter the
Sale Price for a sale. But these changes will not affect
the database until the UPDATE button is pressed.
The screen also includes a number of other buttons listed
- Upon selection of this button a pop-up window
will apprear with two boxes prompting the user to
enter either a UPC code and/or a Description of
the product they want to searched for. The user
then hits OK to process this request and the
table then searches to the specified product (if
found) and highlights it on the table. The user
can also hit CANCEL to exit the request.
- This button has privilege restrictions in that it
can be inaccessible to certain access levels (see
Security Window). When a user makes changes to
any field in the database the update button will
save those changes to the master database when it
is possible. Some security levels also have
higher priority on updating the master database
so this operation may have wait for other updates
to complete.
- The Print button will display a common print
options box. After choosing the destination for
the print job and pressing OK, a print out will
be produced in a simple format displaying all the
information that is seen in the table.
- Sort will display a pop-up window that will
prompt the user for the field at which to sort
by. There are six buttons. The first four are the
possible fields and the user can choose one and
only one of either UPC, Category, or Sale Price.
The next two fields are for either ascending or
descending sort. One and only one of these must
be chosen as well for a proper sort. When the
SORT button in this menu is pressed then the sort
will occur and the results displayed on the
- This button simply returns you to the Main
The personnel screen displays
information on employee. The following information is
displayed in table form of each employee: first name,
last name, ID number, security level, position, and store
ID. A scroll bar is displayed on the right side if there
are more employees than can be seen on the actual screen.
Below the table information is a row of buttons to
perform certain functions. They are:
- When pressed a blank line will appear in the
table above so a new employee can be added. If an
error is detected in the input an error message
will appear and ask the user to re-enter the
information. Then the update button must be
pressed to save the new employee information.
- First the user must highlight one of the
employees to delete, by clicking on one of the
lines in the table and then press the delete key.
A confirmation dialogue box will appear to make
sure the selected employee should be deleted.
- First the user must select a field to change by
clicking on it, which then takes the user to edit
mode in that field. After the user is done
changing the information the update button is
pressed to save the new information. If an error
is detected in the input an error message will
appear and ask the user to re-enter the
- When pressed a dialogue box, containing an ok or
cancel button, will appear with fields to enter
the employee's name. If the ok button is pressed
the employee information will appear in the
table. If the cancel button is pressed the
dialogue box is removed and no action is
performed. If the employee does not exist a
message will appear to tell the user that the
employee was not found.
- When pressed a dialogue box containg the list of
all the employee information fields with radio
buttons next to each appears. The user then
clicks one of the buttons to sort on that field,
or the cancel button to do nothing.
- The Print button will display a common print
options box. After choosing the destination for
the print job and pressing OK, a print out will
be produced in a simple format displaying all the
information that is seen in the table.
- First an employee must be highlighted by clicking
the employee then a dialogue box appears asking
the user to confirm that this employee's password
is to be deleted. If the ok button is pressed the
password is cleared, and if the cancel button is
pressed no action is taken and the dialogue box
is removed.
- When pressed returns to the Main
If at anytime by pressing one of the buttons is an
inapropriate action a beep will sound to indicate to the
user that the function selected can not be preformed. For
example pressing the delete button before a employee is
After pressing the Security button on the main menu,
this screen will appear. The form displays the security
levels currently available in the system. Employees can
be assigned a security level within the Personnel
Along with a list of current security levels, there
are several buttons which allow the user with access
(usually a manager) to add new levels, delete old, or
even sort or print the security levels listed.
Editing is performed directly on the table, by
selecting the record and then editing the proper field.
The security level itself must be unique and if not an
error message will be displayed.
Each Security level consists of a collection of
predefined accesses. The user can change the access
ability of any of the security levels to his or her
preference, which allows great flexibility in the
security hierarchy in the system.
Accesses allow users to "access" particular
sections of the system. If an employee is not allowed to
order canned goods (for some reason or other) they can be
given a security level where that access is disabled.
To simulate a series of purchases, we have
constructed this crude interface to replace the till for
the purpose of demonstration. The "cashier"
types in the UPC of an item into the appropriate box,
hits return, and then enters a quantity into it's box.
When the "cashier" hits return after typing in
the quantity, the amount owing is automatically adjusted
in that box, and the purchase is added to the receipt.
The top part of the form entailing the input of the
UPC and Quantity is then reset, and the cursor is made
active in the UPC entry box, awaiting another
transaction. Once the purchases are completed, the
"cashier" can (by using the mouse), enter the
cash given by the customer, whereupon the amount owing
will be adjusted accordingly, and the calculated change
will be output into the indicated box if necessary. The
credit card # entry box is extraneous, but added to
complete the simulation.
The receipt is a form generated to show the purchases
made, and the subsequent changes that will be reflected
in the database by these purchases. The receipt lists the
UPC of the items, the QUANTITY purchased, the item and
it's description. As well, the "cashier" can
click on the fields to modify an entry. A modification
will result in the amount owing and change being updated
accordingly. The cashier can click on the UPC field of an
entry in the receipt and delete it, thereby cancelling
that particular purchase.
The Stores window contains a list of store information
with the ability to add, delete, update and print the
information about a store. Within the list there are five
fields which include store id, store name, store address,
store manager and the managers phone number. Below the
list are five buttons:
- This button allows the user to add a store. When
the user clicks on the ADD button, a cursor will
appear at the bottom of the current list in the
store id field. The user then enters the
information for each field by using the tab or
arrow keys to move between each field.
- If the user wishes to delete a store, then that
person must scroll to the store he or she wants
to delete, highlight it, and click on the DELETE
button. A message will then appear to confirm the
users decision to delete a store.
- The user clicks on the UPDATE button to apply the
addition, modification, or deletion of stores to
the actual database.
- If the user wants to print a listing of all the
stores and information then the user simply
clicks on the PRINT button and a report is then
sent to the printer.
- When the user is finished editing the stores and
wishes to return to the Main
Menu then he or she clicks on the EXIT
If the user wishes to edit a stores information then
the user must scroll to the store he or she wants to edit
then click on it to highlight it. The user then makes any
changes to that line of information and clicks on the
UPDATE button to make the changes final. If during the
editing process incorrect or incomplete data is entered,
an appropriate error message window will be displayed.
- Field
- A field refers to a particular column of
Ex. Category and UPC are both fields.
- Greyed Out
- Greyed out refers to a button to which a user
doesn't have the security level to access, and is
therefore rendered inactive.
- Login & Password Interface: Zac
- Main Menu: Zac
- Product Interface: Ben
- Order Interface: Greg
- Inventory Interface: Joe
- Personnel Interface: Pat
- Security Interface: Tom
- Cashier Interface: Terry
- Store Interface: Adam
- Screen Shots: Tom
- Amalgamation of Interfaces & 'HTML'izing: Zac,
User Interaction
Plan Main